Give an example of physical self care
Exercise/movement, healthy eating, sleep hygiene, physical hygiene, stress management, attending medical/dental appointments
TRUE or FALSE: Your mental health doesn't change.
FALSE! Mental health runs on a spectrum. We all experience a variety of positive and negative feelings and emotions throughout our daily lives. Practicing mindfulness helps keep us grounded and stable.
TRUE or FALSE: Replacing negative thoughts with positive thoughts can actually change the way you think about yourself.
TRUE! If you nake it a habit to change thoughts like "I can't do this" with "I am strong. I will try my best."
Q:Low self _______is when you doubt yourself, or have negative thoughts about who you are.
A: Esteem
Q: True or False: Self-care practices can look different for everyone.
A: TRUE! (self-care practices can be deeply personal)
Give two examples of physical self care you've done this week
Exercise/movement, healthy eating, sleep hygiene, physical hygiene, taking medication as prescribed, stress management, attending groups
How can you work to improve your mental health?
Ask for support, meet with therapist, take a walk with staff or by self, ask for coping skills reminders, practicing coping strategies, practice gratitude, practice self care
Name one thing you are grateful for. It can be simple.
A warm place to sleep. Friends and/or family taht suppoert me. Food to eat. Best staff everrrrr.
Q:Positive self-___ is something we say to ourselves. It makes us feel strong, even when we face challenges or make mistakes.
A: Talk
Q:TRUE or FALSE: The mind and body are connected.
A: TRUE! Mental and physical health are connected.
Describe a healthy "self care" bedtime regimen
Warm shower/bath, brushing teeth, changing into pajamas, dark/cool room, at least 8 hours, limit screen time, meditate/pray, etc.
TRUE or FALSE: Sometimes self care might involve something I don't want to do
TRUE! Sometimes we have to stop what we are doing and get enough sleep or drink some water
TRUE or FALSE: Comparing myself to others is a great way to improve my mental health.
FALSE! This is a trap. Nobody is perfect. Focus on positive affirmations and self care to improve you rmental health.
Q:TRUE or FALSE: Focusing on your strengths is a good way to build your self-esteem.
A: TRUE! Everyone has unique talents that make them special.
Q:TRUE or FALSE: Petting your dog or cat is a form of self-care.
A: TRUE! Things that bring you joy, and do not otherwise interfere with other self care practices, are good for you.
Why is eating part of physical self care? Give 2 examples of how you eat healthy
TRUE or FALSE: It's important to avoid challenges. They might stress me out.
FALSE: Use positive self talk to improve your mindset, make mistakes, and keep trying!
TRUE or FALSE: It's important to always try to be perfect and not make mistakes.
FALSE! Mistakes are the building blocks of learning.
Q:TRUE or FALSE: Surrounding yourself with positive people improves your self esteem.
A: TRUE! Being around people who are supportive and cheer you on helps you feel good about yourself.
Q: List one way that you practice self-care
A: Eating healthy, staying hydrated, showering, brushing teeth, doing things you like, exercising, socializing, doing something kind for yourself, thinking positive thoughts about yourself, etc.
Name 2 examples of physical self-care that does not include working out/exercise
Eating healthy, sleep, warm shower/bath, brushing teeth, going to doctors, taking vitamins/medication as prescribed, etc.
What can you ask for here at school to practice emotional self care?
Talk to a counselor, take a break, go for a walk
TRUE or FALSE: Procrastination is a great way to reduce stress.
FALSE! Organizing your time allows you to get things done, and leaves time to relax!
Q:TRUE or FALSE: Acts of kindness for others builds self-esteem
A: TRUE! Acts of kindness and kind words of encouragement go a long way for you and the other person
Q:Name a self care activity that involves one of the sensory system:)
answers will vary!
proprioception: massage
smell: lighting a scented candle