Emotional Self-Care
Physical Self-Care
Spiritual Self-Care
Relationship Self-Care
Sensory Self-Care

Name an emotional self-care activity.

Breathing exercises; being in nature; bubble bath; reading; getting your nails done; coffee with a friend; guided meditation... 


What are examples of physical self-care?

Getting enough sleep; taking medication as prescribed; going to the doctor when needed; exercise, which raises dopamine and other "feel good" hormones; "pampering," such as a new hair cut or getting a manicure; getting out in nature


What are some examples of being spiritual, whether or not you are religious?

Spirituality can be mindful practices, like affirmations, meditation, prayers, enjoying nature, reading something inspirational, or being in a group of like-minded people


Why are boundaries important in relationship self-care?

Healthy boundaries make your needs clear so that you feel supported but not taken advantage of. If they are too rigid, you may shut out people that can help; if they are too porous, people may expect you to put them first at your own expense


Can you "self-sooth" using your sense of taste? If so, how?

Eating/drinking slowly and mindfully; chewing gum; putting an ice cube in you mouth


True or False: There are limited and specific ways to meditate

False! Meditation can be a guided script or a small habit, such as a calming thought or prayer, listening to music, controlled breathing, grounding to your environment, or mental visualization


What can you do at nighttime to wind down?

Reading (not on a screen); hot cup of herb tea; bath or shower; try melatonin; listen to calming music or a guided meditation


What is your favorite spiritual activity?

Give an example, they are all correct!


What are ways you can be a supportive friend?

Check in with your friends, listen, be respectful, etc. 


What's a way that you can ground yourself using your sense of touch?

Use a weighted or heated blanket; pet your dog or cat; get a massage; keep a "stress ball" on hand; keep a "worry stone" in your pocket


Can laughter be therapeutic?

Yes! Laughter decreases stress hormones and triggers the release of endorphins, the body's natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain


True or False: Yoga can decease the secretion of cortisol, the primary stress hormone.

True. Research finds that regularly practicing yoga reduces cortisol levels, which can damage your system


What gives you purpose?

Family, including children, partner, parents and siblings; fur babies; job or career; the will to be sober; breaking generational patterns that have not served well


Explain how you yourself would know that you are comfortable in a relationship. This may be a relationship with a friend, partner, etc. 

Feelings safe, having trust, and being able to freely express your emotions and feelings.


In what ways can you ground yourself using your sense of smell?

Lighting a candle; putting on lotion; making freshly brewed coffee; cook or bake something you love; smell herbs or flowers in a garden


Where can emotional connection and support come from?

Partner, family, friends, professionals, therapy groups, recovery groups, online groups, and other resources such as food banks, vouchers for housing, and other services


The National Sleep Foundation recommends __ hours of sleep a night for adults.

7-9 hours


Why is finding your purpose important?

A healthy sense of purpose helps you to put events in perspective, to refocus on the things that are meaningful to you, and to move on and enjoy life.


Relationships often require us to set boundaries. What are some ways you would know that you set a healthy boundary?

Signs of Healthy Boundaries: 

1. You can say "no" without guilt

2. You are saying "yes", because you want to, not out of obligations or to please others

3. You are treated as an equal


In what ways can self-sooth using your sense of hearing?

Listening to music; using a "white noise" machine to sleep; calling a friend; and listening to apps, such as rain sounds


Affirmations can strengthen us by helping us believe in our potential. What are examples of affirmations?

Telling yourself that you are capable; a friend, family member PO, mentor, or therapist telling you you are capable and making progress; completing phases or courses and getting a certificate of completion 


What are some ways you practice self-care?

(personal answer)


What are some ways to immerse in nature?

By immersing yourself in nature, you're able to disconnect from the noise of every day life and connect with your senses. Ways to immerse in nature include walking, hiking in the mountains, being on or in the water, gardening, biking, or just sitting and watching a pleasant view.


True or False: Stressful relationships can affect you physically as well as emotionally

True! Stressful relationships can lead to insomnia, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, panic attacks, weight loss/weight gain, and high blood pressure


What is a self-care activity that may help someone experiencing sensory overload?

Listening to nature sounds; using a soft or low lighting, and using a weighted, soft, or heated blanket; hold an ice cube until it melts; find a quiet, safe place to sit and calm
