What is known as a way to anchor ourself using our senses?
5 you see Visual
4 you touch
3 you hear
2 you smell
1 you Taste
What is known as a popular phrase of Dan Siegel?
Name it to tame it or Name it to frame it
What are known as self-compassion practices
General self - compassion guided practices - brings in 3 components: self kindness, common humanity and mindfulness.
Tender guided practice - accept self and difficult emotions
Motivating guided practice -can motivate you to reach a goal or make a change
What are known as ways to release anger, frustration
Write out and rip up
Write out and burn safely
Throw rocks into water
Break twigs found on ground
Talk to someone
Sing loudly
What are known as the three types of empathy?
Cognitive, Emotional and Compassionate
What is known as a method to anchor ourselves while sitting?
Roots into ground
Feet solid on ground and feel bum in chair
Breathing techniques
What is known as TIPP
Paced breathing
Paired muscle relaxation
Note: These do not address root cause
What is known as how might you treat a friend practice
Use same tone and comfort with yourself
How do you think things might change if you treated yourself in the same way you typically treat a close friend when they’re suffering?
What are known as somatic ways to explore an emotion
Name the colors, textures, size, smell, taste, metaphors
What are known as safety behaviours?
What are known as breathing techniques to ground us?
Lions breath
Pursed lips
What are known as non-engagement strategies
I am feeling anxious right now
maybe, maybe not
This is uncomfortable and I can get through it.
I can do anything for 90 seconds
I have done this before
What is known as self-compassion break language
This is a moment of suffering
Suffering is part of life
May I be kind to myself
What are known as visualizations to release emotions
What is known as a limit, edge or border that defines you as separate from others and promises integrity(what are the 8 types)
physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, material, time, sexual, and social.
What is known as dropping the anchor?
Feel and notice sensations in body.. allow whatever you are feeling to be there..
sensations in hands, palms, beating of heart etc.
What are known as vagus nerve techniques
What are known as examples of Self-compassion through writing
A)Which imperfections make you feel inadequate?
B) Write a letter to yourself from an unconditionally loving imaginary friend
C) Feel the compassion as it soothes and comforts you.
What are known as a comforting place imagery
Favorite place
What are known as the 5 conditions for secure attachment
Seen and known
What are known as tools to reduce mental clutter that gets in the way of anchoring us?
What are known as bilateral stimulation techniques
butterfly hug
What is known as supportive touch
Hand on Heart
Hand on cheek
Cradle face in hands
Stroke arms
rub chest
hand on abdomen
cupping one hand in the other in your lap
What are known as fun things to do to fill your cup up?
Sing, Dance, Game, Pets, People, Nature, Movement
What are known as the 8 components of health
Physical, emotional, mental, social, spiritual, financial, sexual, environmental