How often should you brush your teeth, floss and complete hygiene (wash your face, change your clothes, etc.)?
Twice a day
True or False: it is ok to cry.
True! Crying can be a healthy way to release emotions and express how you are feeling.
Is self-care a luxury?
No!! Self-care is mandatory to support your health. Self-care can be very accessible and not expensive.
What is one self care practice in your relationships you can use when you are feeling overwhelmed or have too much to do?
Learn to say No (nicely)
Say an appropriate affirmation to each member on the other teams.
and...... GO!
Name two ways that taking care of yourself includes food
-cooking yourself food
-eating food
-grocery shopping
-preparing meals
-eating with family/friends
Name one way you take care of your self that involves emotions.
-Reaching out to a friend
-Positive self talk/Affirmations
-Process emotions with self or trusted adult
True or False: Self care is a one time practice
False! Self care is an ongoing practice
Name one way you can practice self care in your relationships (Friends, Family etc.)
-Set Boundaries
-Ask for help
-Be vulnerable/honest
What are some examples of self-care that you can do when you have free time? (name 3)
-Participate in hobbies
-take a break from screens (TV etc.)
-find something to laugh about
-talk to friends/parent
-Face masks or other pampering items
-Set goals for the week
Name 3 consequences of not getting enough sleep
-limits your ability to learn/concentrate
-memory loss (memory storage is compromised)
-Crankiness (leads to aggression or inappropriate behavior that can affect relationships)
-Can worsen depression
-Muscle recovery/cell healing is impaired
What is something that is not emotional self care?
- Bottling up emotions
- Not expressing how you feel (in an appropriate way)
- Forcing yourself not to cry when upset
- Not taking a break or time to process
- Yelling at someone when you are upset or blaming them for your feelings (only you control your feelings/reaction, if someone hurt you then communicate that their actions have upset you)
True or False: Self Care isn't always fun and easy.
True! Sometimes self care includes doing things that are good for yourself but aren't fun or exciting (like exercising when you don't want to or going to therapy or processing something you would rather leave alone)
When you take care of your self, how does it effect your relationships with others?
-Less conflict.
-More joy.
-Less isolation.
-More connection.
-Better boundaries.
How many hours of sleep did you get, and was it enough? What can help you get more sleep? (name 3)
Physical activity before bedtime, Sleepy time tea, reading, music, etc.
Name two healthy ways you take care of yourself that involves a physical activity.
-progressive muscle relaxation
Name 3 workable coping skill to use when you are angry.
-Take a break
-Rip paper (or something similar)
-Exercise/Using punching bags
-Scream/yell (in an appropriate place like outside or my personal favorite: Scream sing)
-Shower to cool off
True or false: Self care is just "treating yourself", including a full day of pampering and doing whatever you like.
False: Self care isnt always easy. While watching TV all day or eating and entire pint of ice cream is nice, I can lead to unhealthy habits or avoiding other self care
Name 3 healthy ways that you take care of yourself that involves friends or family.
-Spending time with them.
-Calling someone when you are lonely or upset.
-Sharing a meal with your family.
-Inviting friends over for a party.
-Having good boundaries.
Share your morning and night-time hygiene routine. Include at least three steps for each one.
Examples) wash face, shower, change into new clean clothes, brush teeth, apply lotion/sun screen, clean room, etc.
Lead team in 2 quick exercises!
Thank you for sharing!!
Use an I-statement to express how something/someone makes you feel!
I (what you feel or want) when (the event that evoked your feelings) because (the effect the event has on you).
Share your favorite type of self-care and a new one that you would like to try!
Journaling, talking with a friend/counselor/therapist, meditation, gratitude statements, riding a bike, going on a walk/run, etc.
Role play with teammates an example on how to appropriately set boundaries with someone.
complete 10 reps of a physical activity. Examples) jumping jacks, push-ups, sit ups.
Good job!