Bonus: Riddles

Name two emotional self-care activities.

Breathing exercises; being in nature; bubble bath; reading; getting your nails done; guided meditation... 


How many cups of water are recommended to drink in a day?

7 to 8 cups


Name a hobby you have thought about/would like to try.

Play an instrument, learning a language, drawing, painting, scrapbooking, gardening, baking/cooking, playing a sport, joining a club.


Name three qualities of someone we feel comfortable around.

Feelings are safe, having trust, and being able to freely express your emotions and feelings.


What is full of holes but still holds water?

A sponge.


How can laughter can be therapeutic?

Laughter decreases stress hormones, triggers the release of endorphins (the body's natural feel-good chemicals). Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain.


The National Sleep Foundation recommends __ hours of sleep a night?

6–13 years: 9–12 hours; 14–17 years: 8–10 hours


Why is it good for us to spend time outside/in nature?

Improve your mood (vitamin D), concentration, reduce feelings of stress or anger, help you take time out and feel more relaxed, improve your physical health, improve your confidence and self-esteem, help you be more active. Exposure to natural light can improve sleep.


True or False: Stressful relationships can affect you physically as well as emotionally. (Explain)

True! Stressful relationships can lead to insomnia, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, panic attacks, weight loss/weight gain, and high blood pressure.


What is always ahead of you but can’t be seen?

The future.


What happens if we don't express our emotions?

The emotion builds up, shows up in unexpected ways, increases stress, anxiety, and depression, impacts self-esteem, other people can't help if they don't know something is wrong.


What happens if we don't drink enough water?

Headaches, Fatigue, Difficulty concentrating, Difficulty with mental tasks, Tension, and Irritability. Lower mood and energy.


How can helping others 

Feel connected to what matters to you and to give back, connected to others and reduced loneliness, increase self-esteem, improve optimism/happiness, outlook on life,


Name two sources of social connection and support.

Partner, family, friends, professionals, therapy groups, recovery groups, online groups, etc.


What has keys but can’t open locks?

A keyboard/piano.


What are warning signs of stress?

Headaches; Shoulder, neck, or back pain; Upset stomach; general body aches, pains, and tense muscles; increased heart rate, heaviness in your chest; Shortness of breath; fatigue; Sleeping more or less than usual; Snapping at people; difficulties with concentration and decision making; eating more or less; withdrawal


What can you do at night to wind down before bed?

Finding ways to relax; reading; warm bath or shower; listen to calming music or a guided meditation; puzzle; coloring; stretching; coloring; playing with puddy; not eating right before bed; turning off electronics 1-2 hours before bed


How can journaling be helpful for self-care?

Encourages reflection, awareness, creativity, expression and idenification of emotions, exploring themes, mindfulness, identify what is important, etc.


What's an example of a self-care activity to do with others?

Watching a movie together; cooking a meal; doing something outdoors; going out for dinner; going to a museum or art display 


What has many rings but no fingers?

A phone.


Name two copings skills you can use when you are angry.

Do something active, cold shower, listen to music, call a friend, write or journal, walk away/take a break, change the scenery, use humor


Give me an example of how you can express your emotions to someone in a healthy way.

Tune into how you are feeling, identify emotion, identify if this is the right time/environment, communicate using "I" statements, be direct, pay attention to body language and tone

Name a mindfulness activity (an activity that helps you feel connected to yourself, your surroundings, and the present moment).

Meditation, prayer, yoga, drawing, crochet, gardening, playing an instrument, riding bikes, etc.


Why are boundaries important in a relationship self-care?

Healthy boundaries make your needs clear so that you feel supported but not taken advantage of. If they are too tough, you may shut out people that can help; if they are too weak, people may expect you to put them first at your own expense


I’m tall when I’m young and short when I’m old. What am I?

A candle.
