(social health)
(Brain health)
Emotional & Spiritual
Coping Skills

Complete one set of 15 birdies up lead by the therapist 

5 Extra points for each team member that follows along.  


What is a friend? 

A friend is someone you like spending time with. They make you feel happy and special, and you can rely on them.


How many days are in one year



Name a song that makes you feel energized, inspired, or happy? 

example - Happy - by Pharrell Williams - despicable me 2


Tell the group about a hobby you have! 

What is your hobby? 

Hobby: an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure:


Name two things to focus on for physical health. What two things can you work on to have a healthy body?

1. Food/Healthy Diet (name an example)

2. Exercise (name an example) 


What are two ways you can "talk" with another person?

1. On the Phone

2. In person at school, house, park, etc.

3. Virtual (zoom)

4. Body movements (Non-verbal communication) 


The brain is like a muscle and math gets the brain going! Solve this math problem:

"Toby has 5 Kit Kats, Karla took 3 of those Kit Kats, and grandma gave Toby 2 Kit Kats. How many Kits Kats does Toby have left?"

Toby has FOUR Kit Kats!!


Name 3 things that make you happy and why. 

Toby's example:

1. Sports- playing and watching

2. Family & Friends- Because I love them.

3. Scottish Rite for Children in Dallas- it is fun here and they take good care of me!


Name three people who can help you feel better when you are upset.


1. Mom

2. God

3. School Counselor

4. Grandparents

5. Siblings 

6. Friends 


Complete one set of 10 arms circles. 

5 forward and 5 backwards. 

10 bonus points for each team member that follows along  


What time is a good bedtime? 

Setting a bedtime is an example of a making a boundary with friendships and respecting each other's time. 

Between 7pm and 10:30pm depending on the individual 


Having a bedtime is important because it helps you Fall asleep fast and stay asleep, helps maintain a healthy body weight, you will feel happier, improved memory, prevents illness, improve brain function, 

Act out a part of your bedtime routine 

Brush teeth, Wash hands, brush hair, shower, drink water, read book, go to the bathroom, put pjs on, pick up toys, sleep


Tell the group about something you are looking forward to? 

example - Traveling somewhere, going to an event, getting a new toy, seeing a new movie, trying a new food, getting to see a friend or a relative...etc.

Would you rather read a book or color in a coloring book? 

Nicole would rather read a book! 


What are the recommended hours of sleep required each night? 

8-11 hours of sleep is recommended depending on the needs of the individual. 

Age 3-5: recommended 10-13 hours! 

Age 6-13: 9-11 hours! 

Age 14-17: 8 to 10 hours! 


Tell the group about your teammate. What is their favorite color? Favorite animal? Where is somewhere they want to travel to? 


Which star is closest to Earth?

The sun


How was your day? What has gone right? What has gone wrong and what are your plans for the rest of the day? 

Ideas for the rest of the day- Call a friend or a relative and talk with them. Learn something new! Color, play a card game on the unit! Pick out a new movie or show to watch. :) 


Would you rather go for a stroll outside or go for a bike ride? 


Each team member, please share what healthy food you ate today 

Please read: A variety of healthy foods filled with protein, carbohydrates and vitamins help your body heal faster :). Your body requires nutrients to HEAL!


Please order you meals at the appropriate times and be mindful of what you put into your body!!!! 


Name two ways to be a good friend. 

Share, play together, take turns, create together by writing a story, making a bracelet or making a video, helpful, listen, say nice things 


What is the only word in the dictionary that is spelled wrong? 



Share with the group something that is meaningful to you? bonus 100+ is you share why. 

example- it could be something you have done, someone in your life, a passion that you have, a hobby...etc. 


I am going to give you an object- first close your eyes, then tell me what you feel, smell, and hear. 

Can you guess what the item is? Can you guess what is inside of the item?

Play dough! beads! 
