Name one way to get better sleep.
Go to bed early; don't eat sweets before bed; turn off electronics 1 hour before bed; relax before bed (e.g., read a book).
What are some ways to deal with your emotions.
Talking to a friend, adult, someone you trust; using coping skills (e.g., deep breathing, etc.); writing it down.
List two words that describe social wellness.
Meaningful relationships; respect; friendships; support system.
True or false, intellectual wellness, is critical thinking, creativity, problem solving.
Name one consequence of not getting enough sleep.
Limited ability to learn, listen, concentrate and solve problems; lack of sleep can lead to aggressive or inappropriate behavior, such as yelling at others or being impatient; at a higher risk of getting sick.
Emotional wellness includes positive self-talk.
Complete these blanks for the pattern of positive self-talk:
What you say to yourself affects how you ___, which influences how you ___, and affects how to act.
Feel; think.
What are some groups/clubs that help with social wellness?
Boy/Girl Scouts; sports teams, school clubs; church groups.
What is one word that starts with
Br_ _ _sto_ _ _ _ _ g, that you use in school to start a paper or a worksheet.
Most people your age do not get enough sleep — one study found that only _____% reported sleeping 9 hours on school nights.
a. 15
b. 30
c. 87
What is a consequence of having unbalanced emotional wellness?
Emotional outbursts; don't communicate your feelings; feeling sad or mad.
How can social media affect social wellness?
Social media addiction; once a post is placed on the site it can be seen by many people; emotional outbursts online can damage relationships.
Why is it important to have intellectual wellness?
Develop new skills; to learn.
You need about ___ hours of sleep each night to function best.
8-9 hours, although this can vary depending on the person.
If you have good emotional wellness, you are?
Fair; respectful; confident; truthful; kind.
What is one way to improve your online social wellness?
Reread what you are about to post; don’t look at social networking sites everyday; don't spend too much time using social sites or video games.
List three ways that intellectual wellness could be improved within the classroom.
Listen; do HW; ask appropriate questions.
Name one thing that you can do to practice physical wellness.
Exercise (e.g., run, play outside, play a sport, etc.); eat healthy; get regular checkups from the doctor.
True or false, emotional wellness is shown when you can express your feelings.
Name three ways to increase social wellness within the classroom.
List three people that have balanced intellectual wellness.
Parents; teachers; professionals; adults.