Name one way to get better sleep.
Have a set schdule/routine
Listen to something that is soothing
Bubble bath/shower
What are some ways to deal with your emotions.
talk it out with a safe person
write it out
dance it off Hobbies
find a space to express your emotions in a safe and productive manner
List two words that you think describes Social Wellness.
What is Meaningful relationships, Respect, Friendships, Support System, positive encounters
Intellectual Wellness, is critical thinking, creativity, problem solving. True or False
What defines self care?
Self-Care includes the actions individuals and carers take for themselves, their children, their families and others to stay fit and maintain good physical and mental health; meet social and psychological needs, spiritual needs, take care of the body inside and outside of it.
Name two things that bring you the most peace
singings, dancing, family, music, etc...
Emotional Wellness includes positive self-talk. Think of 3 positive words that describes you.
thoughtful, smart, helpful, easy to talk to...
How can you increase your social wellness?
Connect with other that are supportive
Connect with someone that you can have positive interactions with
Connect with other that respect your boundaries
SET BOUNDARIES Groups Therapy with Clinician
What is one word that starts with one of the following letters that you can use in self-care, trauma or recover
Plan, Prepare, Praise
Boundaries, Brainstorm, Build,
Limit, love, Learn
Commitment, Care,
What are some basic self-care habits we tend to forget about?
Getting enough rest
Eating a well balanced meal
organizing your time to not feel overwhelmed
staying hydrated
reaching out for support
taking care of the body inside and outside of it.
Most people do not get enough sleep — one study found that only _____% reported sleeping 9 hours on nights before a work, business, or important day before.
a. 15
b. 30
c. 87
What is a consequences of having unbalanced Emotional Wellness?
Emotional outbursts, don't communicate your feelings, feeling sad or mad
What's one of the most widely used social media apps?
TIKTOC, FaceBook, What APP, Intergram In The Rooms
What reason is it important to have Intellectual Wellness?
Develop new skills.
To learn.
To Succeed
Everyone in your team, describe a self care activity that you plan to do for yourself this week
(all answers are welcome)
You need about ___ hours of sleep each night to function best.
8-9 hours
How should you communicate emotional wellness?
Fair, Respectful, Confident, Truthful
What is one way to improve your online Social Wellness?
Limit the time spent of Social Media
Fact check information recieved from social media outlets
Dont engage in negative interactions
List three ways that Inellectual Wellness could be improved within this program
ask questions
participate in programing activities
following through with program expecations
be open to learning/re learning skill sets
Making time for yourself (even if its 15 minutes), is considered selfcare?
Even if you take a break for 5 minutes to enjoy one of your favorite songs- thats totally self-care. Take baby steps.
Name on thing you can do to practice physical wellness.
exercise, meditate, yoga, dance, run/jog, walk, bike, sports
Emotional Wellness is shown when you can express your feelings. True or False
Name three ways to increase social wellness within this group.
Participate in group activities
Respect the staff
Respect one another
Ask questions (your voice/thoughts are important)
What are some things that YOU can do, to better your learning experience as you in the program, groups, and individual therapy
(all responses are welcome)
Someone on the team recall one of the best self care activities you did for yourself.
all answers welcome as long as it pertains to the question/task