What is self-compassion
What is treating ourselves as we would treat our friends.
What is emotional wellness?
What is coping effectively with life and creating satisfying relationships.
Meditation, yoga and/or exercise is a coping skill for what issues?
What is anxiety, depression, Stress management, etc.
Addiction is a disease of this body part.
What is the brain
It goes up and down the stairs without moving?
What is Carpet
Self-Compassion is the same as self esteem? True or False
False - Self-Esteem is a positive evaluation of self-worth. Self Compassion isn't a judgement or an evaluation at all. Instead, self-compassion is relating to the ever-changing landscape of who we are with kindness and acceptance-especially when we fail or feel inadequate.
What is social wellness?
What is developing a sense of connection, belonging and support with others.
crafts, drawing, adult coloring, and diamond dotting is a coping skill for what issues?
What is anxiety, distracting negative thoughts, depression etc.
The diminishing effect of a drug after repeated use.
What is tolerance
What word begins with a T, ends with a T, and has a T in it?
What is a Teapot
What is common humanity with self-compassion?
what is it's recognizing that all humans are flawed works-in-progress, that every one fails, makes mistakes and experiences hardships in life.
What is spiritual wellness?
what is discovering a sense of purpose and meaning in life.
Personal hygiene such as grooming, bathing, and brushing teeth is a coping skill for what?
Abstinence from ALL Illict drugs and alcohol
What has a mouth but cannot chew?
What is a River
What is Self-Kindness with self-compassion?
What is When we are as caring toward ourselves as we are toward others.
What is occupational wellness?
What is finding personal satisfaction and enrichment in ones work.
Opposite Action is a coping skill for what?
What is doing something the opposite of your impulse that is consistent with a more positive emotion
An "emergency Kit" to help an individual from using again is called:
Note: This kit could include 12 step information, important phone numbers, healthy recreational activities to participate in
Relapse Prevention Plan
What do you call cheese that isn't yours?
What is Nacho Cheese
What is Mindfulness in Self-Compassion?
What is intellectual wellness?
What is recognizing creative abilities and finding ways to expand knowledge and skills.
Spend time in nature, spend time with friends, manage time, and Thinking positive are coping skills for what?
Stress management
Recovery is taking care of yourself in a whole. What are some guides to follow that help?
What is the 12 steps, the 8 dimensions of wellness, the stages of change, ect
What food loves to yell and shout?
What is Ice cream
What are the 3 components of Self-Compassion?
What is Self-Kindness, Common Humanity and Mindfulness
What is environmental wellness?
Deep Breathing, journal writing, using positive self-talk and writing a list of choices is what kind of coping skill?
What is Critical Coping Strategies
Meditation, mindfulness, exercise, therapy, calling a sober friend, and thinking of consequences are all examples of this useful tool in recovery.
Coping skills
A word I know, six letters it contains. Subtract just one, and twelve is what remains.
What is Dozens