The purpose of self defense.
What is survival?
The number of stages of awareness.
What is 4?
The color of the lowest stage of awareness.
What is white?
The color of the highest level of awareness.
What is Red?
An example of stage 2 level of awareness.
What is a car driving slowly through a neighborhood or Seeing a "wet floor" sign and adjusting your path to avoid slipping?
Use this if you feel like someone is following you.
What is your voice?
The first line of self defense.
What is awareness?
This needs to be set before you can do anything else.
What is your base or stance?
The direction your feet face when someone is trying to pull you?
What is both the same direction and perpendicular to the direction someone is pulling you?
The position of your head if you have someone in a body lock.
What is close to the body?
To break a single hand grip do this.
What is turn your wrist to the opening?
To break a double hand grip do this?
What is get your other hand to help?
You should do this if someone grabs you from behind and tries to carry you away.
What is wrap your leg around their leg?
If you end up on the ground these are your best defense.
What are your legs?
You always want to create this when in a self defense situation in the beginning.
What is distance?
Never back yourself into this type of space or area.
What is a corner?
When spending time in a new building or space you should always know this.
What are escape routes?
Where a woman should never park her vehicle.
After escaping the grasp of someone you should do this.
What is run away and yell for help?
Do this if someone is slowly invading your personal space?
What is move back/away?
Two options when someone throws a punch at you.
What is block it or cover?
If someone is trying to pull you (into a car) which direction is your weight?
What is leaning back?
If the person pulling you let's up you need to make sure and do this.
What is let up a little as well?
If you are attempting a rear naked choke remind your self of this creature to position the hand behind the head correctly.
What is a butterfly?
To avoid hitting your head when falling to the ground make sure and do this.
What is breakfall?