Intro Week
Positive School
Healthy Mindset 1
Healthy Mindset 2
Healthy Relationships

Identify 2 activities that you enjoy doing

It can be related to sports, music, school etc. 


Name one setting where you may find yourself bored and how did you know you were bored?

Science class etc. Yawning, disengaged, doodling, etc.

"I can't do this" is an example of? 



Getting a C versus an A can be an example of what? 

Disappointment and/or hurt


True or False: An example of a relationship is cereal and milk. 

False. A relationship discussed in a group is between two people and developed through interaction. 


Why should we have positive people in our lives and who are they? 

Positive relationships help us feel good about ourselves and they can include, parents, siblings, extended family members, friends, teachers etc.


What are some options when you are bored in class?

Give yourself a bathroom or water break, go talk to a counselor or social worker, etc.


Which tool can help us when we self-doubt?



What is the definition of disappointment/hurt?  

When we think/feel that we have failed or did not meet a goal. 


Describe what a value is. 

A value is what we decide what is important in life. 


What is the purpose of a catch phrase? 

A quick word of reminder to yourself to find immediate encouragement. 


Having a headache over a lesson is an example of?

experiencing "Hard" in class


Reframe this idea "What if no one wants to hang out with me during recess?" 

I am a good friend and can invite someone to hang out with me during recess. 


True or False: Jealousy can help us overcome our hurt for something that we want? 

False. Jealousy can increase resentment and cause problems in our relationships. 


How can someone know that they are authentic? 

They are genuine to who they are as a person. 


How can knowing your strengths help your self-esteem?

Our strengths can help recharge us and feel happy again. 


Which adult at school can you talk to when class is hard? What makes it easy for you to talk to them?

Must identify a staff member and reasons for why they are easy to talk to


True or False: Reframing an idea or thought is looking as a situation in an old way and giving up?

FALSE. Reframing is looking at a situation in a new way or changing how you think about something. 


Describe a disappointment situation that may require you to reach out to a trusted person of choice? 

Breaking up with a girlfriend, Not getting invited to an event, or getting grounded at home 


True or False: To be authentic means that you must reach your goal immediately and not break it up into small steps if needed. 

False: You can be your own authentic self by creating small steps/goals that will eventually help you meet your overall goal. 


Why is it important to increase your self-esteem? 

Self-esteem can impact many parts of our lives. This includes the 8 power-ups: School, Healthy Mindset, Positive Body Image, Family, Healthy Relationships, Social Media, Bullying, and Future. 


Identify some strategies one can use when they have a hard time talking to someone. 

set up a time to meet with that person

start the conversation seriously such as "I want to take this class seriously"

try to be concise and explain yourself in 1 or 2 sentences


What is a positive affirmation and name one example.

A positive affirmation is a saying that can boost your self esteem. One example is "I am capable" 


Describe the difference between jealous thoughts versus accepting thoughts 

Jealous: becoming upset, regretful, angry, and wanting what someone else has

Accepting: knowing that you can't have everything and being grateful for what you do have or can have in the future. 


How are boundaries and values different and similar to one another? 

Boundaries are the actions of one's values.

A value is what is important to someone. 

 Boundaries help reinforce our values. 
