Self Esteem
What Am I? Part 1
Catholic Charities Q&A
What Am I? Part 2
Fun Tingz

Go around the room and everyone has to say one positive quote that could boost their or someone else's self esteem

Sam Saints Quote: "The only limitations I have are the ones I place on myself; otherwise, I am limitless indeed"


I am the awareness of oneself and the environment either internal or external. I mentally process thoughts, feelings, sensations and perceptions

I am Consciousness


Name 5 Counselors at Catholic Charities

*Listen to Responses*


I am beliefs not based on reality and persist despite contradictory evidence. I may have false or irrational ideas about oneself, others, or the world

I am Delusion


Hold a piece of paper in front of you and name 7 other people in the room. If you can't, pick someone else too

*Listen to responses*


Name one thing you like about yourself then pick someone else to do the same. Go around the room until everyone goes once

Sam Saint likes that he is learning to become a more patient person in certain instances

I am a stimulus that causes an emotional reaction or a behavioral response, often related to trauma or distress

I am Trigger


Who is the supervisor of all the partial care counselors 



I am any event, force or condition that results in physical or emotional stress

I am Stressor


The Category is any boy or girl name that starts with the letter A

Go around the room until someone repeats the same answer or can't come up with one in 5 seconds


If you could leave group right now and go to any food restaurant of your choice for free, what would it be? Go Around The Room!

Sam Saint picks "The Boiling House" in Cherry Hill so he can enjoy a seafood boil


I am actively engaging with others, making both mutual and beneficial relationships, and maintaining professional connections. I also provide valuable opportunities and support throughout life

I am Networking Skills


Which house location is this Catholic Charities called

Delaware House


I am key to building relationships, both personal and professional. I develop my listening, speaking, and interpersonal skills in order to express myself and connect with others

I am Communication Skills


Anytime Sam Saint raises his hand everyone else in the room raises their hand. The last person to raise their hand gets eliminated from the board



What's your favorite thing or hobby to do when you are alone and why? Go around the room!

Sam Saint likes to journal and brainstorm ideas when he is alone or listen to music


I am the ability to identify problems and find creative solutions. Thinking outside of the box and developing systematic approaches help me do my job

I am Problem Solving Skills


What is the address of the Catholic Charities we are located at

25 Ikea Drive Westampton New Jersey 08060


I am able to make informed and confident choices crucial for progress and personal due to my ability to consider alternatives and weigh out the pros and cons

I am Decision Making Skills


The Category is Residents or Staff at Catholic Charities

Go around the room until someone repeats the same answer or can't come up with one in 5 seconds


Name one thing you like about this group! Your answer could be as simple as, "I like the activities we do"

Sam Saint likes that the group interacts and participates in the games he has for them


I am the ability to recognize, understand, and share the thoughts and feelings of another person, animal, or fictional character. I imagine myself in another person’s situation and try to understand their experience as if it was happening to me, but it is not

I am Empathy


Sam Saint started work on one of these days. Go to the corner you think the right answer is 

March 4th, 2024

March 11th, 2024

March 18th, 2024

March 25th, 2024


I am a feeling of care and concern for someone who is suffering or in distress. I wish to see the other person better off or happier

I am Sympathy


10 Rounds of Sparkle, you already know the drill

Let's see who will make it to the end
