this is my favorite color
what is blue
what is my favorite store bought snack
what are sea salt vinegar
this is my favorite place in the world
what is Italy
this is my crush
what is my favorite desert
what are strawberry ice cream
this is my favorite island i’ve ever been to
what is zanzabar and
mafia island
this is my favorite tv show
what is cobra kai
what is my favorite handmade snack
what is banana with powder sugar and nutella papas special
where do i want to go after i graduate high school
where is kenia
this is my favorite cartoon character
what is Gru or Luca
what is my favorite weekend breakfast
what is papas waffles
what city do i love to window shop, and wish i could shop there
where is colorado dicks sporting goods
this is my favorite store
what is Dicks sporting goods
what is my favorite food do all time
what are carbonnada
what place in europe world do i want to visit
where is paris