Catching yourself thinking thoughts that cause you trouble
Stop Your Thoughts
The "C" in STORC
Recognize places, trouble spots, triggers that are potential risks
Identify Problem Situations
Goals focused on increasing rather than decreasing
Positive Goals
Body scan meditation, muscle tensing exercise
Physical Relaxation Exercise
Identifying situations that lead to troublesome thinking
Becoming Aware (of troubling thoughts)
The "T" in STORC
Using reminders, making new purchases or rearranging what you already have
Change Your Environment
The "R" in ARMS
Way to maintain mood, energy, prevent or manage chronic disease and manage weight
Eat Healthy
Replacing old self-talk with new self-talk
The "R" in STORC
Going where there are like-minded people, attending meetings, being around those who encourage you
Surrounding Yourself With Support
The "S" in ARMS
Going to bed at the same time, waking up at the same time, doing something relaxing before going to bed, using your bed for sleeping promotes your ability to...
Sleep Well
The process of steering negative feelings into more positive direction
Change Your Self-Talk
The "S" in STORC
Having an escape plan, asking a friend to pick you up at a certain time, carrying a reminder in your pocket
Take Along Insurance
The "A" in ARMS
Measuring heart rate, skin temperature, or tension in a particular muscle are part of...
Reminding yourself of your good qualities and the positive things you do
Think Positive
The "O" in STORC
Organic Patterns
Letting others know what you are wanting to change and being open to suggestions
Ask Others For Help
The "M" in ARMS
Closing your eyes and focusing on your breath, heart rate letting thoughts drift in and out of your mind turning your focus back to your breathing
Mental Relaxation Technique