ADA Protected Disability Accommodations while using Public Transportation
ADA Protected Disability Accommodations while using in the Community
ADA Protected Disability Accommodations while in School
ADA facts
Bonus Random questions about stuff!!!

What accommodation might you need if you are in a wheelchair and are trying to get on a bus?

A lift/ramp


True or False: 

The ADA does not apply to buildings built before the ADA was passed in 1990.


The ADA requires the removal of barriers to accessibility in older buildings unless removing a barrier is “not readily achievable”.


True or False: Public transportation is only for getting to work or school and cannot be used to access community services.



True or False: 

Organizations that sponsor sports must provide a person who has a disability an equal opportunity to both try out for and compete on teams.


“Reasonable accommodations” must be provided for athletes that have a “disability” and that they are “otherwise qualified” to participate in the sport or activity in question.


Tell me a Dad Joke. If i giggle you get the points

did I giggle?


If you are seeing impaired, do you require accommodations on public transportation? Name one ADA protected accommodation for an extra 200 points (which again, points mean nothing)


(various correct answers, i.e. Brail, verbal announcements for stops, 


You are at the train station.  You see signs on the wall with braille under them. You hear several announcements describing the train arrival times and departure times along with their scheduled routes.  Who are these accommodations designed to help?

Someone who is vision impaired.  


True or False:

It is your teachers responsibility to remind you of any accommodations you receive according to your I.E.P./504


It is your responsibility to request any accommodations that you are entitled to according to your I.E.P./504


What movies came the same year the Americans with Disabilities Act was signed?

1. Home Alone

2. Tron

3. Batman

4. Terminator 2

1. Home Alone (1990)


What was the tiny pocket inside the pocket of jeans originally designed for?

Pocket watches


Can you bring a service animal onto public transportation if the service animal is an adaptive accommodation due to your disability?



True or False:

ADA rules and regulations are only suggestions and do not actually protect individuals with disabilities by law.



True or False: The ADA applies only in cases of K-12 education, but not college, graduate school, or vocational training


The ADA applies to the above forms of education as well as licensing tests, standardized tests, and more.


If a person with a vision impairment needs assistance at a doctor’s 6. office, they have a legally protected right under the ADA to ask for: 

1. Braille or large-print materials

2. Assistance filling out required forms 

3. Staff identifying themselves upon entering the room 

4. All of the above 

4. All are examples of accommodations that are perfectly viable to request for people with disabilities. 


Which actor portrayed the best version of DC's clown prince of crime himself, the Joker

If you said Jack Nicholson or Heath Ledger you are correct.  

Double points if you said Mark Hamell 


How do you find out what time you should be at the bus stop?

By looking up the bus routes.  They have times that indicate approx. times for each stop.


Which of the following are challenges of people using accessible public transportation. 

1. It can be unreliable.

2. It can be expensive.

3. It may not accommodate your travel plans.

All 3. 


Which of the following is a possible accommodation under the ADA for a college or vocational tech student with a disability?

1. Additional time or a distraction free alternate setting for tests.

2.  No homework. 

3. Nap time

4. Option to skip class.

1. Additional time or a distraction free alternate setting for tests.


True or False: 

Employers cannot ask medical or disability-related questions on a job application/interview.


The exception is that a government agency can ask an applicant to voluntarily disclose a disability for affirmative action purposes.


400 points goes to the first person who can name Mr. John's least favorite breed of dog

Australian Cattle Dog (Blue or Red Heeler)


Does the ADA also protect individuals with disabilities who use air travel?


The ADA does not directly regulate air travel. Airlines are governed by the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA). The Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA) requires airlines to accommodate passengers with disabilities, but it doesn't provide detailed mandates on how specific accommodations must be made.


What kind of disability might be helped with Truncated Domes?

Impaired sight.


True or False:

You are not allowed to attend your own 504 or I.E.P. meeting

False.  Not only are you allowed, you should always be a part of your meetings.


True or False: 

According to The ADA, it is optional for employers to provide reasonable accommodations to people with disabilities


The ADA requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations to employees who have disabilities.


For 500 points...wiggle your ears! (not with your hands!! no cheating)

Only 10-20 percent of the world's population can do this
