Healthy Lifestyle
Mental Health
Healthy Relationships

Name one way to have healthy hygiene?

  1. Washing your hands with soap and water after going to the toilet.
  2. Covering your mouth and nose with a tissue (or your sleeve) when sneezing or coughing.
  3. Keeping your body clean. Taking regular showers.
  4. Maintain oral hygiene by brushing and flossing teeth in the morning after you wake up and again before bed.
  5. Wearing clean clothes.


What is sleep hygiene?

Sleep hygiene refers to both your sleep environment and behavior.

Poor sleep hygiene can negatively impact both sleep quantity and quality.

Good sleep hygiene includes:

  • Setting a regular sleep schedule (go to bed and wake up at the same time each day)
  • Following a relaxing pre-bedtime routine 
  • Forming healthy habits during the day (e.g. find ways to get active during the day, avoid caffeine close to bed). 
  • Making your bedroom comfortable (e.g. cool temp) and free of disruptions (e.g. 1 hour before bed make your bedroom a tech free zone).
  • BONUS: What are some foods and or beverages caffeine is found in?


How many minutes should we exercise per day?

An accumulation of at least  60 minutes per day of moderate  to vigorous physical activity  involving a variety of aerobic activities.


This mindfulness activity involves using creativity. This may involve nature, supplies, music, video/recordings, instruments, etc.



Name one characteristic of a healthy relationship

There are 7 characteristics of a healthy relationship: 

1. Respect - celebrate how people are both the same and different, appreciating diversity and caring for each other. 

2. Safety - physical and emotional

3. communication (verbal and non-verbal) - express thoughts and feelings

4. Independence - free to make choices, free to disagree, to have own opinions, and free who to spend time with

5. Caring - showing affection, showing the other person is valued, communicating with sensitivity, being inclusive and welcoming, listening to others with interest, helping others, complimenting others

6. Fun - feelings of pleasure, shared interests

7. Trust - built over time, feeling safe, consistently and reliably be there when they need us, keep promises


What hygiene tasks should you complete before coming to school in the morning?

Shower (if you didn't shower the night before)

Put on deodorant/anti-perspirant 

Put on clean clothes

Brush your hair

Brush your teeth


What is an example of a good bedtime routine?

  • Taking a warm bath/shower
  • Brushing teeth
  • Reading/Journaling/Meditating/listening to calming music

You are experiencing peer pressure to do something that will be harmful to your body (whether immediately or eventually). How do you practice self-respect in this moment?

Say no thank you and walk away. Tell yourself you're better than this and you don't care what others think. Express your disinterest in the activity, and tell an adult.


This mindfulness activity can be done in many ways. It involves your diaphragm, lungs, your brain and sometimes even your hands. What activity is this?

Deep Breathing! 

For an extra 50 points, demonstrate one deep breathing exercise you know!


This is the ability to identify and share another's feelings


Empathy skills help with conflict resolution and maintaining positive relationships. When you learn to put yourself in another’s shoes, you can develop new and more compassionate perspective. 


Why is good hygiene important?

Leads to better health, confidence and overall growth. 

Helps wash away germs and prevent illness, infection, and other problems.

Gives us a good appearance and self esteem.


How long before bed should you stop looking at electronics?

Stop screen time 1 hour before bed (Looking at screens before bedtime makes it harder to fall asleep). Start with 10 minutes tonight, 20 minutes next week, working your way up to the hour over the course of a few weeks! 

Try to create a relaxing routine that does not involve your screen!


Name three things you can do to have a healthy lifestyle.

Get enough sleep, eat well, learn ways to manage stress, exercise, avoid smoking/vaping drugs or alcohol, drink water, have regular check ups with your doctor, keep your room and living space clean, engage in things that make you happy 


What activity asks you to clear your mind while taking deep breaths and focusing on the here and now? Hint: This activity boosts self-care and relieves stress.



You observe someone being bullied, what can you do? 

1. Walk away and report it

2. reach out to help the victimized person

3. respectfully and assertively tell the person who is bullying to stop


What causes body odour?

Body odor happens when bacteria on your skin come in contact with sweat. Our skin is naturally covered with bacteria.

You have 2 different kinds of sweat glands. The first type, called eccrine glands, produce perspiration that is clear and odourless. These glands start working as soon as you are born. The second type, called apocrine glands, only become active when you start puberty. They produce a different kind of perspiration which can smell unpleasant when it comes in contact with bacteria on the skin. This smell is known as body odour.


This is the optimal amount of sleep for teens between the ages of 13 to 18 years old  

What is 8-10 hours of sleep


This is the maximum amount of recreational screen time per day

  • No more than 2 hours per day of recreational screen time
  • Limit sitting for extended periods 

What is one positive affirmation you can give yourself today?

________________. (ex. Today will be good. I will try my best to be me. Yesterday didn't go so well, but that's how I learn.)


Active listening is an important component of a healthy relationship. It builds trust and connection. Describe how to listen actively. 

  • Pay attention to the speaker. Put away all distractions.

  • Listen without interrupting.
  • Take turns to speak.
  • Use actions to show understanding.

What is perspiration and name 3 things that trigger perspiration

Perspiration: is the process of sweating

Perspiration is triggered by heat, physical activity, physical stress, pain, mental stress, hormonal changes.


What should you do if you wake up and can't get back to sleep after 20 minutes?

Get out of bed - stretch or read in dim lighting. Avoid the temptation to look at your phone.


What impacts can vaping have on youth?

Vaping (e-cigarettes) can have the following impacts:

1. vaping can make smoking look normal again

2. nicotine in e-cigarettes makes it harder for youth to learn, concentrate, or control their impulses.

3. nicotine can train your brain to be more easily addicted to other drugs

4. e-cigarettes contain chemicals that could be harmful


What are 4 long-term benefits self-respect has on your mental health?

___________. (ex. Boosts positivity. Keeps your mind strong and less able to fall into the traps of conformity and peer pressure. Keeps your mind clear of self-judgement and even from quickly judging others.)


Create a list of 5 steps to engage in when involved in a disagreement.

  1. Identify the issue – what do we disagree about (e.g. an opinion, goal, belief or resource)?
  2. Listen actively to each other’s side. (See “Purposeful listening” practice.)
  3. Clarify using “I” messages and a calm tone.
    • Use eye contact.
    • Tell the person: “I have a problem…”
    • Describe the problem or behaviour in a non-threatening way.  “When you do this…I feel…”
    • Tell the person how you feel about the problem. “I feel…”
  4. Swap sides – think about the disagreement from both sides.
    • How would you feel? What would be important to you if you were the other person?
  5. Try to stay calm until you have a win/win solution. Ask for help, if needed. 