Self-Talk Questions
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Review Questions 1
Just for fun

What is self talk?

The way you talk to yourself or your inner voice


“Nobody likes me, I should stop trying to make friends.”

“I am perfect just the way I am and the right people will appreciate me for me”


What is Self-Esteem?

How we perceive our own worth and abilities


What has to be broken before you use it?

An egg


When is the best time to start incorporating positive self talk?

Start in the morning. Set yourself up for success by practicing positive self talk in the morning for instants start the day with some positive affirmations and mindfulness meditation.

I am enough, I love myself,  I believe in myself, I am strong. 


Define negative self talk

When your inner voice is excessively negative, sounding more like an inner critic. It is pessimistic and focuses on the bad.


“I have never done this before, and I will be terrible at it.”

This is a wonderful opportunity for me to learn from others and grow.


How can you challenge your thoughts?

Ask yourself, is this true? (often it’s not.) ask yourself if there’s another explanation or way of looking at the situation.


What is full of holes but still holds water?

A sponge


How can you make positive self talk a part of your routine?

Positive affirmations, listening to uplifting podcast, reading, positive books, journaling, surround yourself, around positive people


What does it mean to reframe your thinking?

Reframing is when you actively notice unhelpful thoughts in your mind, and reframe them into more useful thoughts


“I failed and embarrassed myself”

“I am proud of myself for even trying that took courage.”


What is the first step to stopping negative self talk?

Noticing and being aware of what you are saying to yourself. 


What goes up but never goes down?

Your age


Tell me about a time where your inner critic was negative. What could you have done instead?

Tell me


Do you have the power to change your thoughts? Bonus 100+ points if you also answer this question: how does self-talk influence our behavior? 

Yes, yes yes.

Answer for bonus question: Impact on behavior- 
Our self-talk influences how we approach challenges and interact with others. Positive self-talk can motivate us to try new things and persevere through difficulties, while negative self-talk can lead to self-sabotage and avoidance behaviors.


“I will disappoint everyone if I change my mind.”

“I have the power to change my mind, and others will understand.”


What are the benefits of positive self talk? Name three

Improving self-esteem, reducing anxiety, or stress, motivate you to overcome obstacles


What has many keys But can’t open a single lock?

A piano


Positive self talk stems from

Bonus 50 points if you also answer this question: What is self-care?

Bonus 50 points again if you also answer: Why is self-care important?

Our self love

Bonus question #1: Activities or habits to help maintain your physical and mental wellbeing.

Bonus question #2: It helps us stay physically and mentally healthy; helps build resistance toward stress and illness, etc.


How does self-talk affect self-esteem?

Self-talk significantly impacts self-esteem, as the internal dialogue we have with ourselves, whether positive or negative, directly shapes our view of our abilities and worth, with positive self-talk boosting confidence and negative self-talk eroding it; essentially, the more critical or negative our inner voice is, the lower our self-esteem tends to be.


“I can’t do anything right I shouldn’t even try.”

“It is enough to do my best.”


What are tips to improve your positive self talk? 

Practice thinking good things about yourself, affirmations, reframing negative thoughts. Practice seeing half a glass as being half full rather than half empty.


What has legs but can’t walk?

A table


List three positive self talk expressions

I am trying my best, I will get through this, how are things help me grow
