What is oral storytelling?
Passing down stories, legends, and folklore by word of mouth.
What is a pictograph?
A picture or symbol that represents an idea, word, or message.
Name two traditional communication methods that don’t use words.
Smoke signals, pictographs, or drum beats.
What are emojis?
Digital symbols used to express emotions, ideas, or actions.
What is a smoke signal?
A form of communication using controlled smoke patterns to send messages over long distances.
What ancient culture used hieroglyphics?
The Egyptians.
How did people communicate over long distances before phones?
Using messengers, smoke signals, drum beats, or early postal systems.
What replaced letters in modern communication?
Emails, text messages, and instant messaging.
What early system delivered messages by hand?
The postal system, where letters were carried by messengers.
Name one civilization that used pictographs, different from the one in 200.
Chinese, or Native Americans.
How can we interpret pictographs without knowing their exact meaning?
By using context, familiar images, and prior knowledge.
What modern tool is similar to drum communication?
Emergency sirens or alarm signals.
What type of messages did people send using drum beats?
Warnings, announcements, and war signals.
How do pictographs help people understand messages?
They use images instead of words, making them useful across different languages.
How did early people use their environment to create messages?
They carved into stone, painted on caves, or used fire and drums to send messages.
What are some ways people use symbols today?
In road signs, company logos, and warning labels.
Explain why traditional communication was important.
It allowed people to share knowledge, history, and warnings before modern technology.
Give an example of a symbol we still use today.
Emojis, traffic signs, company logos, or restroom signs.
Compare traditional and modern communication.
Traditional communication used symbols, pictographs, and storytelling, while modern communication uses digital text, images, and video.
What role do symbols play in communication?
They help convey messages quickly and clearly, even without words.