What is the full name of the police officer who is responsible for injuring Rashad Butler?
Paul Galluzzo
What happened to John Lewis and other protesters the first time they attempted to cross the Edmund Pettus bridge on their march from Montgomery to Selma?
They were brutally attacked by police officers, led by Jim Clark.
Descriptive language that provides readers with vivid details that enable them to better understand the events and characters in the story.
The box or text that narrate the action of a comic - not spoken by a character in the panel
What year was WJ founded?
What is written on the sidewalk outside of Rashad's school in order to protest his hospitalization?
Graffiti that states, "Rashad is absent again today."
Who is the narrator of "March: Book 3?"
John Lewis
What general lessons/messages about the human experience is the author trying to convey through the literary work. Should not be cliche. Should be universal and not too specific to the story. It is more than a word and should be expressed as a sentence.
A distinct segment of the comic, containing a combination of image and text in endless variety.
How many years has Ms. Gidez been teaching?
How does Spoony help Rashad?
He manages the media, shares positive pictures of Rashad, and supports Rashad when he is in the hospital. (Answers may vary)
Once the president decided to be supportive Lyndon B. Johnson said “There is no negro problem. There is no southern problem. There is no northern problem. There is only an ___________ problem.”
The author’s attitude about their subject. The feelings or senses evoked/created by the words and description of a narrative.
The abstract lines that appear behind a moving object or person, parallel to its direction of movement, to make it appear as if it is moving quickly
Motion Lines
What are the two mascots of WJ?
A wildcat and a cow
What is the difference between Rashad's father's reaction and his mother's reaction?
Rashad's father is initially doubtful of Rashad's innocence. Rashad's mother is concerned for his well-being.
Why was John Lewis feeling devastated after the Democratic National Convention in 1964?
He (along with the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party) had "played by the rules" and still they did not receive equal representation or voting rights.
Two or more characters speaking in a text. _____ provides information about the characters, their relationships, their personality, and their thoughts.
Repeated or significant images that often represent ideas, themes, and main ideas in the graphic novel
What is the name of Ms. Gidez's cat?
What surprising revelation does Rashad's father make towards the end of the book?
He once shot and paralyzed and innocent Black man.
Whose testimony before the credentials committee “shook the nation”?
Fannie Lou Hamer
An author's specific word choice.
The space between panels. These spaces can be used to indicate time, setting, etc.
What other country did Ms. Gidez teach in?