The character who drives the action and whose fate matters most.
Who is the Protagonist?
"Yesterday, I accidentally swallowed some food coloring. The doctor says I’m okay, but I feel like I’ve dyed (died) a little inside" is an example of this comedy device.
What is a pun?
The person who wrote "The Unwanted: Stories of Syrian Refugees".
Who is Don Brown?
This is the time homework is due.
When is 8:20 AM?
Spider-Man vs. Doctor Octopus is an example of this type of Conflict.
What is Character vs. Character?
A Quiet Place (John Krasinski): The characters must live in silence to avoid being hunted by creatures they can’t fully understand or see is an example of what horror element.
What is the unknown?
The person who illustrated "The Unwanted: Stories of Syrian Refugees".
Who is Don Brown?
These are the two places you can find the homework for the day.
What is the Daily Agenda and the Agenda Module on Canvas?
The point of view[s] that should never be used in a formal essay.
What are first and second person points of view?
In Coraline (Neil Gaiman), the Other Mother and her alternate universe seem like a better version of Coraline’s life at first; though later, the Other Mother tries to trap Coraline and sew buttons over her eyes. This an example of this element of horror.
What is familiarity turned dangerous?
The space between panels is called this.
What are gutters?
This is the correct way to write your heading on an essay.
What is:
First Name Last Name
Teacher's Name
Class title, Period Number
Day, Month Year
A broad idea repeated throughout a literary work, usually expressed in one or two words.
What is a thematic topic?
Someone gets bonked on the head with a bigger-than-life-size hammer is an example of this comedy element.
What is slapstick?
These are the three types of text that we see within "The Unwanted"
What is narration, thought bubbles, and speech bubbles?
This is when late work is no longer accepted.
The Climax of The Alchemist.
What is Santiago talking to the wind and sun and transforming into wind to escape?
The Giver by Lois Lowry: A society that seems perfect at first, with no crime, war, or poverty, and everyone is assigned a role but the protagonist discovers that this utopia hides the suppression of emotions, memories, and individuality, creating a controlled and conformist world that lacks true freedom is an example of this dystopian element.
What is illusion of perfection?
Daily Double!!!
This is the month and year that the rebels took the Capital City of Damascus and forced Al-Assad to flee.
What is December 2024?
This is when not to email me about an issue.
When is the night before?