The Reading Process
Essential Skills
Active Reading Strategies
Comprehension 2
Does the pause and reflect step comes before or after the plan step?
What you already know + what you learn (read) = _________________
an inference
Which is NOT an active reading strategy: mark or highlight/ connect/ clarify/ planning
Describe the difference between comprehension and fluency?
comprehension - understanding what you read fluency - the sped at which you read and your accuracy level
What can you use to take notes in/on books? Name 4
pen/ pencil/ highlighter/ sticky notes/ flags
After you set a purpose what two steps do you need to follow before you start reading?
preview and plan
You see a man offering advice about bikes at the sporting goods store. He is wearing the company colors and has a name tag on his shirt? You conclude ...
He works at the store
A prediction is an ___________
educated guess
Name 4 points of comparison one can make within a text
good/bad; character traits; character appearance; character emotions; character reactions; settings; beginning/end; rising action/falling actions
List the 3 types of questions.
Text Research Author
When you pause and reflect you realize you don't understand something. What step should you follow?
By comparing and contrasting we are able to...
View something from many angles and/or make connections
When you are confused you should ___________ to better understand.
Name 3 comprehension strategies that you CAN use on both text and movies. Name 1 that you CANNOT use on both.
Can - Predicting; Questioning; Connecting; Reacting/ Cannot - Visualization; Rereading
What other places in your life can do you use active reading strategies?
connections; predicting; questions; clarify
Why is connecting important? And name the 3 types of connections we can make.
It helps us better understand what we are reading. Text to text/ text to self/ self to world
Compare and Contrast the following (provide 3 similarities and 2 differences): A movie and a book
storyline/ characters/ settings/ plot/ chapters/ written text/ visual
What are 2 strategies you can use to clarify what you have read?
reread, ask a question - find the answer, graphic organizer (such as cause and effect timeline, t-chart, web)
How does fluency effect comprehension?
By reading fluently you are able to focus on meaning rather than putting your energy towards decoding the words.
List 3 note-taking strategies (formats)
Page-by-page; web; character traits; timelines; thinking tree; K-W-L chart; concept map; main idea organizer; class and text notes; key word notes; cause-effect notes; problem; solution; process notes; classification notes;
List at least 5 steps in order
a) set a purpose, b) preview, c) plan, d) read with a purpose, e) connect, f) pause and reflect, g) reread, h) remember
Find 5 points of comparison/contrast between the following (at least 2 need to go beyond physical): Randa and Katsa
Male/Female; old/young; ruler/ruled; selfish/thinks of others; ungraced/graced; vindictive/???; family;
Make 1 inferences, find one implicit detail and make 2 comparisons on the following: Cora, an elderly woman walked into her local St Michael's Church. The friendly usher greeted her at the door and helped her up the flight of steps, 'Where would you like to sit?' he asked politely. 'The front row please,' Cora answered amiably. 'You really don't want to do that,' the usher said, 'This vicar is really boring.' 'Sonny, do you happen to know who I am?' Cora inquired, looking directly at him. 'No.' he rejoined. 'I'm the vicar's mother,' Cora announced indignantly. 'Do you know who I am?' he asked. 'No.' she said. 'Good,' he answered and disappeared.
characters - male/female; old/young inference - she loves her son; she is proud of her son; the usher thought he would get in trouble from his comment detail - the usher is male
List plot development terms in order
exposition; rising action; climax/conflict; falling action; resolution/conclusion
List 7 things you should look at/for when you preview a text.
Title; author's name; chapter titles; headings; pictures; graphs; highlighted, italicized or bolded words; chapter questions; side notes; quotes; front and back covers; summaries; reviews/opinions