How many seconds are in 10 deciseconds?
What is 1 second?
What is one second?
Which cell organelle is considered the powerhouse of the cell?
What is the mitochondria?
What model did Watson and Crick say that DNA replication would occur in?
What is the semi-conservative model?
Transcription gives us what type of nucleic acid?
What is RNA?
What are the base pairing rules for translation?
What is A-U and G-C?
How many seconds are in 2 hours?
what is 7200 seconds
what is seven thousand two hundred seconds.
Which cell organelle allows plant cells to go through photosynthesis?
What is the chloroplast?
DNA replication separates DNA into two strands, one strand is the leading strand the other is ___________?
What is the lagging strand?
What are the base pairing rules for transcription?
What is A-U and G-C?
Which organelle does translation occur in?
What is the ribosome?
How many pints are in 3 gallons?
what is 24 pints?
what is twenty four pints?
Which cell organelle stores chromatin?
What is the nucleus?
What is the complimentary strand to ATCCAT?
What is TAGGTA?
Which organelle does transcription occur in the cell?
What is the nucleolus?
Which sequence of tRNA signals a stop codon?
What is AUG?
how many seconds are in 1 year?
What is 31,556,926?
What is thirty one million five hundred and fifty six thousand nine hundred and twenty six.
Which process do vesicles perform that allows them to carry unwanted or harmful materials out of the cell?
What is the base pairing rules for DNA replication?
What mRNA strand would form from this strand of DNA?
What is UUAGUA?
What amino acids would this sequence code for?
How fast am I moving in kilometers per hour if I am moving at 25 inches per second?
What is 1.42 seconds?
What is one and forty two hundredths of a second.
What process could a cell NOT do if we removed the ribosomes from a cell?
What is translation?
During which phase of the cell cycle does DNA Replication occur?
What is interphase?
What would be the template strand of DNA for this strand of mRNA?
What protein would be coded from this template strand of DNA?
What is Met-Gln-Pro-Gly-Stop or Met-Gln-Pro-Gly?