Definitions Round 1
Definitions Round 2
Definitions 3
Tone and Context Clues

The appeal to ethics.

What is Ethos?


The appeal to emotion.

What is Pathos?


The appeal to logic.

What is Logos?


Context Clues:

Our baseball team's pitcher has a few eccentric habits, such as throwing exactly thirteen warm-up pitches and never wearing socks.

A) normal
B) strange
C) messy

Answer: Strange


What are three common prepositions?

Answer: For, With, and From


Expresses the writer's attitude toward or feelings about the subject matter and audience.

What is tone in literature?


Exaggerated statements or claims that are not meant to be taken literally.

What is hyperbole?


The _________ of a passage is the main, or most important, idea in a paragraph or passage. It states the purpose and sets the direction of the paragraph or passage. The main idea may be stated or it may be implied.

What is the central idea of a passage?



“The foolish boy ignored his parents, and broke into the abandoned house anyway. He carelessly wandered around the run-down hallways and danger-filled rooms.”

Answer: Disapproving 


Which of the following would’ve been the least effective in an over-the-radio speech?            

A. Gesture B. Tone C. Inflection D. Enunciation

Answer: Gesture


A group of words that contains a subject and verb and expresses a complete thought–it is a sentence on its own.

What is an independent clause?


Contains an independent clause and at least one dependent clause–only part of the sentence can stand on its own.

What is complex sentence structure?


Using the same pattern of words to show that two or more ideas have the same level of importance.

What is parallel sentence structure?


Context Clues:

After the heavy rains, the stream became murky; in fact, couldn't see through to the bottom.

A) cloudy
B) bottomless
C) clear

Answer: Cloudy


Which of these words most likely includes a Latin root meaning "to roll" or "to turn"?

A. Appeasement B. Cardiology C. Revolving D. Benefits

Answer: Revolving


A conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning. In literature, it is using context clues provided by the author to figure things out.

What is inference?


An idea or feeling that a word invokes in addition to its literal or primary meaning–sharp knife vs. sharp student.

What is connotation? 


A short, amusing, or interesting story about a real incident or person, usually relates to the conversation being had by a group of people.

What is anecdote? 



“The brave boy discovered a way into the crumbling house and went in. The dark halls were full of cobwebs and rotten floorboards, but he had to press on. What if his cat was in danger?”

Answer: Admiring 


In poetry, a _______ is a group of lines within a poem, usually set off from others by a blank line or indentation. Most consist of four lines. 

What is a Stanza?


A genre of literature that typically consists of a story passed down from generation to generation used to share a common history, reinforce cultural values, or highlight important traditions.

What is a folk tale?


A genre of literature that paints a realistic view of the world while also adding magical elements, often dealing with the blurring of the lines between fantasy and reality.

What is magical realist fiction?


A genre of literature featuring a loose literary aesthetic of fear and haunting.

What is gothic literature?


Context Clues:

The coach takes every opportunity to censure his players, yet he ignores every opportunity to praise them.

A) approve of
B) choose
C) criticize

Answer: Criticize


A type of reference source that would best help you to determine the correct approach to including different types of evidence in an essay.

What is a style manual?
