Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet
Lord of the Flies
Research Paper
Short Stories
A Mix of All

How many lines does a sonnet have? 

For a bonus of 300: Name the rhyme scheme in a Shakespearean sonnet

14 lines

Bonus: ab,ab,cd,cd,ef,ef,g,g


Who gets the vision of the pighead talking about how the boys are the actual beasts? 



What is the difference between summary and paraphrase? 

A summary brief statement or account of the main points of something. To paraphrase is to to restate in other words 


What are the different types of charectors in greek myths? 

Gods and goddesses, heroes, demigods, titans, humans, monsters/creatures


What are some traits of gothic literature? 

Death, decay, old arichteture, at atmosphere of mystery, family secrets/bad blood, etc. 


What are some themes of Romeo and Juliet? 

Family, loyalty, idenity, young love, fate, hate/feud, and violence. 

Any of these are good. 


True or false: Ralph was bloodthirsty and wanted to kill the pig for than the others. 



When should you paraphrase? 

You want to carry over details and ideas from a source, but do not need word for word. 


What is are some features of dystopian literature? 

Use of technology, esp as surveillance or automatio, saturation/desensitized of violence, totalitarian government, propaganda and misinformation, human intervention in health and genetics, and lack of individuality


Why did Ralph get the power he had? 

Through fear and the "ability" to protect them from the monster. 


What is the plot of the book? SIMPLIFY

Romeo and Juliet is a tragic love story about two young lovers from feuding families, the Montagues and Capulets, in Renaissance Verona. Romeo and Juliet fall in love at first sight during a masquerade ball. They secretly marry, but their happiness ends when a street fight erupts, resulting in the death of Juliet's cousin, Tybalt, and Romeo being banished. Desperate to be together, Juliet fakes her death with the help of Friar Laurence's potion, but Romeo, unaware of the plan, believes she is truly dead and takes his own life beside her. Upon waking to find Romeo dead, Juliet takes her own life as well. The deaths of the their kids finally bring the feuding families together in grief, ending their feud.


What do Piggy's glasses symbolize?

The voice of reason and intellectual effort within their society.


What comes after a quote, summarize, or paraphrse is finished? 

An in-text citation


What is the instructive purpose of Dadealus and Icarus?

The instructive purpose of the story of Daedalus and Icarus is to warn against the dangers of pride and disobedience. It teaches us that we should not be overly proud or ignore warnings, as doing so can lead to consequences.


What is an archetype? 

A pattern or model considered universal that appears across many stories and generations. A character, symbol, or situation that is copied and adapted over and over because it hits on basic human experience


What is Shakespeare's impact today?

His use of language, creation of memorable charectors, and the use of universal themes. 


Who best fits the charateristics of the archetype of the wisemen? And defend your answer. 

Simon. (you could have put something if you defended it well) 


How should your works cited page be formatted?

Works cited at the top, sources in alphabetical order, double spaced, TNR, 12 pt font, left-hanging indent


What is the basic plot of "Mask of Death"? 

It is about a prince named Prospero who hides in his castle with his wealthy friends to escape a deadly plague called the Red Death. They throw a masquerade ball, but an uninvited guest dressed as the Red Death appears and causes chaos. Prospero tries to catch the figure, but it turns out to be Death itself, and everyone dies. The story shows that no one can escape death, no matter how rich or powerful they are. 


Why are Shakespeare's plays written in a mix of verse and prose?

Because it was to make both the rich and poor entertained and understand his works.


Translate this quote.

O Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? 

Deny thy father and refuse thy name; 

Or, if thou wilt not, be sworn by my love, 

And I'll no longer be a Capulet. 

Why are you Romeo? 

If I cannot have you because of our names, I'll give up everything to be with you. 


What is the basic plot overview?

It is about a group of boys who get stranded on an uninhabited island after their plane crashes. They try to create their own society but end up fighting among themselves. They split into two groups, one led by Ralph, who tries to maintain order and civility, and the other led by Jack, who becomes increasingly savage and power-hungry. The boys' descent into violence and chaos ultimately leads to tragedy and loss.


How should your in text citations be formatted?

If you have the author's last name: (Smith).

If you only have the article title: ("Title of the Article").


What are the plot of The Odyssey?

Odessyus arrives with his men to an island. Odessyus encouters with Polyphemus. Odessyus creates a plan that gets the cyclops drunk. Te then blinds the cyclops and escapes. He then reveals his identity as Odessysus instead of "Nobody". 


How does “The Cask of Amontillado” relate to the themes of gothic fiction. Explain why. 

The theme of entrapment or imprisonment, the spooky setting, suspense, the burned protagonist, and family feud/bad blood. 
