The Scientific Revolution and The Enlightenment
French Revolution
French Revolution and Napoleon's Europe
Industrial Revolution
The new way of thinking that emerged in the mid-1500s and asked questions about the order of the natural world was known as?
What is the Scientific Revolution
What execution tool was used by the Committee of Public Safety during the French Revolution to kill many French citizens? Hint: It was often referred to as the “National Razor.”
What is the guillotine
With the encouragement of early revolutionaries like Abbé Sieyès the third estate split away from the Estates-General and created what new political body to govern France?
National Assembly
After the newly created National Assembly was locked out of its meeting room by Louis XVI where did they go to make their famous oath to write a new constitution in the name of the people of France?
A tennis court
Wealthy textile merchants set up machines in large buildings where their workers worked long days for very little pay. What were these buildings known as?
During the Middle Ages two traditional authorities that established order and truth in society were?
What are The Church and ancient scholars
During the Boston Tea Party, the Sons of Liberty dumped tea into the Boston Harbor to
Protest a tax on tea
During many revolutions there is what the French call a coup d’état. This means that the government has come under attack usually from within. Often times these coups are violent and result in the death of the former leader. Almost always they also result in_________________.
A new leader or government
Who was in charge of the Committee of Public Safety during the “Reign of Terror” when it sentenced thousands of people to the guillotine for crimes against the republic of France?
Who is Maximilien Robespierre
The revolution that refers a time period when there was a greatly increased output of machine-made goods is known as what?
Posed theories on the heliocentric nature of the solar system that brought him into direct conflict with the Church?
Who is Galileo
Before the French Revolution the Estates General consisted of how many Estates?
What is 3
The building of this palace by Louis XIV eventually led France into bankruptcy.
What is the Palace of Versailles
In 1803 Napoleon sold this piece of land to the United States for 15 million dollars. His intent was to pay off France’s debt and to build up his military. What is this sale known as?
The Louisiana Purchase
Which of the following countries was the first to industrialize: the United States, France, Great Britain, or Japan
Great Britain
Who argued that people had a right to overthrow a government that does not protect natural rights?
Who is John Locke
What led scientists to study the natural world more closely in the mid-1500s?
Exploration and discovery in the Americas and Asia
In the center of Paris there stood a large, imposing stone dungeon that also doubled as an armory full of weapons. The storming of this landmark building has always been the most recognizable events in the history of the French Revolution. The building was literally torn down by angry Parisians. The event is often called the “Storming of the __________.”
One of the major goals of the Congress of Vienna was to make sure that ____________.
Europe established a long-lasting peace among all of its nations
Mass production, which created an increase in the quantity of goods produced, led to
More consumer goods available to more people
This scientist was from Greece and known for proposing the geocentric theory
Who is Aristotle
The Enlightenment was a period of deep reasoning and discussion. When individuals met to discuss such issues as politics, science, philosophy, and economics they typically met where?
What is Salons
Marie Antoinette’s excessive spending habits despite the French National Debt earned her the nickname of “Madame ______”.
Napoleon wanted to disrupt trade and weaken Britain financially. To do this he decided to block French or allied ships from trade with Britain. This was known as the Continental System. From the above we can infer that the Continental System was a____________.
What is a Blockade
Which of the following was a negative result of the growth of the textile industry in Great Britain: fewer cotton farms in Great Britain, the huge population growth in the country, the expansion of agriculture in India, or the spread of slavery in the United States?
The spread of slavery in the United States