What is summarizing?
To summarize is to briefly retell the main ideas of a piece of writing, leaving out less important details.
What are context clues?
Context clues are the words or phrases surrounding a word that give hints about the word's meaning.
What is a stanza?
A stanza is a group of two or lines in a poem; it is similar to a paragraph in a story.
Why are transitions important?
Transitions help ideas and paragraphs flow smoothly. Transitions also help show connections between ideas.
If you finish reading a work of fiction or nonfiction and find you did not fully understand it, you may have missed critical details. What are two things you can do to fix this?
You can reread the text, or you can scan the text for the critical details you missed.
What is the theme in a fiction story? (Sometimes this is called the central idea.)
The theme is a message or lesson about life that the story is trying to communicate. The theme is NOT just a topic.
What are some types of "author's purpose", or why an author is writing?
An author's purpose can be to inform/explain (informative), to convince/persuade (argumentative), or to entertain (narrative).
What is a rhyme, and what are two types of rhyme that can occur in poetry?
Rhyme is when identical sounds are at the end of two or more words. End rhymes occur at the end of lines of poetry, while internal rhymes occur within a single line.
What is the appropriate tone or style for most essays, whether argumentative or informative?
The appropriate tone or style is formal. It should not sound as if you are texting your best friend.
What details are important in a fictional story to understand the story's meaning?
Details about the setting, characters, and plot are important, as well as how they relate to the conflict and its resolution.
What is a conflict, and what does it mean to resolve it?
A conflict is a struggle or problem between two opposing forces. When it is resolved, the problem is fixed, or worked out.
Why would an author show connections between two different things in a piece of writing?
Your answers may vary! I want you to think about this.
Can there be a theme/life lesson/central idea in poetry? (Not just a topic, but a message or lesson about life)
Of course there can! Look at "To be of Use", "A Story of How a Wall Stands", "The Lesson of the Moth", etc.
What type of words or language should be used in argumentative or informative essays?
Specific, precise words should be used. Words should not be vague or general; the meaning should be clear.
Because you often read nonfiction to get information about a topic, you must pay close attention to details. What details are important in nonfiction?
When reading a piece of nonfiction, look for details that support the main idea, or the most important idea that the writer wants to express. There are several types of supporting details, including examples, facts and statistics, and sensory details.
Explain what cause and effect means.
Two events are related by cause and effect when one event brings about, or causes, the other. The event that happens first is the cause, the one that follows as a result of that is the effect.
What are supporting details?
Supporting details are the facts, opinions, and examples (evidence) the author provides to make his or her point.
What shows the tone of the speaker?
In poetry, the things that matter are words, chosen carefully by the poet. Words affect meaning, and establish the tone, or the attitude of the speaker.
What type of evidence should be used in argumentative or informative essays?
Clear facts, statistics, quotations, or specific examples should be used to support reasons or ideas in essays.
What are some things to consider when looking for the theme of a story?
Examine the title. Consider the plot and conflict. Analyze the characters. Make connections to your own life.
What are five ways authors can use indirect characterization?
SPEECH (What does the character say?) THOUGHTS (What does the character think?) EFFECT on others (How do other characters react?) ACTIONS (What does the character do?) LOOKS (What does the character look like?)
What should you look at to find the main idea, or central idea, in a non-fiction passage?
What does the author tell most about? What does the author think about the subject? What are the details in the passage supporting?
What is the speaker's tone?
The speaker's tone is the attitude the speaker in the poem has about the subject (what they're talking/writing about). It can be serious, humorous, angry, defiant, mocking, etc.
Should the grammar in an essay be formal or informal?
The grammar in an essay should be formal. Unless you are writing a narrative story, or quoting someone using informal language, the sentence structure should be formal and proper.
To get a story's full meaning, sometimes you will have to make inferences. What is an inference?
An inference is a logical guess based on the text itself as well as your own background experience and knowledge.