Peds Conditions
Neuro Conditions
UE Path
LE Path

This is the most common type of brachial plexus injury

What is Erb's Palsy (causes decreased size and strength of affected upper extremity)


a neurological disorder in which the body's immune system attacks the peripheral nervous system, causing a sudden onset of weakness or paralysis of the legs 

what is guillan-barre syndrome


A condition in which the median nerve is compressed, causing weakness and tingling to the index, middle, and ring finger

what is carpal tunnel syndrome


this causes tenderness, swelling, and a reduction in knee movement due to pain and tightening of the skin over the kneecap.

what is knee bursitis


The three levels of the Glasgow Coma Scale

Mild= 13-15 

Moderate= 9-12 

Severe= 3-8


This occurs when the tail end of the neural plate does not close during gestation

Spina Bifida- can cause bowel/bladder dysfunction and muscle weakness/paralysis, severity depends on type


this is a long-lasting autoimmune disorder that causes fatigue, loss of balance/coordination, and speech/vision problems. It is caused by the breakdown of myelin in nerve fibers. 

what is multiple sclerosis


A condition which usually begins with a thickening of the skin in the palm of the hand, which may develop into a hard lump or thick band that eventually could cause the fingers to contract.

what is dupuytren's contracture


dilated subcutaneous veins of the leg that causes feelings of heaviness, pain, and swelling. Symptoms worsen with prolonged standing.

what are varicose veins 


the three delivery models in telehealth 

-Synchronous: real time delivery, “face to face”

-Asynchronous: not in real time (video taken by client and emailed to you later)

-Combined Approach


This genetic disease causes a buildup of fluid/mucous around organs

Cystic Fibrosis- can cause frequent colds/pneumonia and failure to thrive


this autoimmune disorder affects the voluntary muscles of the body, especially those that control the eyes, mouth, throat and limbs.

what is myasthenia gravis 


overuse damage to the tendons in the elbow (also called golfers or tennis elbow); can cause pain when rotating the forearm or flexing/extending the wrist 

what is lateral or medial epicondylitis 


Inflammation of the tissue that supports the arch of the foot, causing heel pain 

what is plantar fasciitis 


the three levels of assistive technology 

- Low tech (non-electronic, low maintenance)

-Mid Tech (may be electronic, low maintenance and minimal training)

-High Tech (electronic, typically expensive and requires extensive training)


This condition is not hereditary or progressive and can cause disordered fine and gross motor skills, muscle contractions, bone deformities, and dysarthria 

what is cerebral palsy 


This accounts for about 87% of all strokes, and is caused by a blockage in an artery that interrupts blood flow to the brain 

what is an ischemic stroke


a medical condition that causes reduced blood flow to the extremities, usually characterized by spasms in small arteries that narrow in response to cold, stress, or emotional upset.

what is raynaud's disease


a complication that occurs when high blood sugar and fat levels damage the nerves in the body, most often in the legs and feet.

what is diabetic neuropathy 


an OT approach to self-management of chronic conditions (list examples)

what is Lifestyle Redesign 


This genetic condition is the most common type of short-limb dwarfism

what is achondroplasia


this is characterized by a sudden headache followed by loss of consciousness, and is usually caused by an aneurysm 

what is a subarachnoid hemorrhage 


a disease of the joints in which the cartilage that cushions the space between bone surfaces begins to wear out

what is osteoarthritis


when the knees angle inwards or outwards 

what is genus valgum (knees inward) and genus varum (knees outward)


these open and close a circuit; can be used to adapt everyday objects for people with physical disabilities (list 6 types)

what is a switch 
