The colony founded by William Penn did which of the following
established an elected assembly
freedom of speech, religion, and petition
1st ammenment
What does Ruby transform into?
A kraken
Philosophers such as John Locke and other Enlightenment thinkers influenced colonial politics by spreading the idea that __________ could improve society.
provides the right to a speedy public trial
6th amendment
What is a 29b
Waylon made them
Who was the main writer of the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson
provides the right to a trial by jury in civil cases
7th ammendment
what is a p51 mustang?
WWII Plane
Who was chosen by the Second Continental Congress to lead the Continental army?
George Washington
protects from unreasonable searches and seizures
4th amendment
What is the wild robot about?
Rozzum 7134 aka Roz
provides the right to bail
8th amendment
prevents the military from forcing citizens to house soldiers
3rd amendment
What is Ruby's mother and grandmother?
Agatha Gillman and Grandmamah