What month was Ms.A birthday?
This month. January
What gender is Ms.A's baby?
How long must the students remain silent during the do now?
What are you suppose to bring to class everyday
Pencil (if you use a pen you will lose points on DN/assignments/projects)
Where are you required to submit your SBF?
Google Classroom
What is my last classroom number?
What is babies first name?
When is office hours?
Tuesdays after school
What will happen if Ms.A sees your phone out in class?
Tier 2 log
Why would you receive a 1 on DN? Out of 3 points
No effort.
How many cats does Ms.A have?
What month is the due date?
If Ms. A Doesn't pass out our past work where is it located?
Bins in front label with class on it.
What are two reason you may be asked to move to another table?
Off task
Talking while DN or Lesson
What were the Two of THREE requirements for a Sketchbook friday submission
Standard paper size
fully colored/shaded
Utilize the whole paper
What neighborhood is Ms.A from?
Humboldt Park
What is the chosen sport forced upon said child?
Time where I shouldnt ask to be put on the bathroom list?
During a lesson or while Ms.A talking to class
Table is left a mess with papers and paint bottles. Ms.A cant pin point it to one student at the table. Who gets the log?
Everyone at the table. (everything should be in middle bin or put away)
Who is responsible for lost work?
you- "I am"
Where has MS.A taken student abroad?
Greece & Japan
How many week's is the baby?
What is Independent work time called in Ms.A class?
Studio Time
My head is down I was already asked to continue working. I will receive a log AND...
lose point on what ever task on hand... DN, Assignment, or Project. Will not be able to make up in office hours
One reason why students receive an "f" on a projects or assignments?
Didn't met basic requirements on rubric
Forgot name
Didnt turn anything in