The year that Semester Zero was founded
First name of the 4 Asst Managers
Ethan, Haven, Colin & Cesar
PM need to submit these to their Asst Managers to prove they completed their HR trainings.
What are certificates?
Name our 4 Floaters
Liv, Ade, Gema and Isaiah
Super easy ice breaker Karena taught everyone on Tuesday
Bear, Hunter, Lady
The university where Semester Zero was founded
Northern Arizona University
Ethan asked when PM are on break/on call you make sure your phone is ...
Ringer on, notifications are not muted.
If a Peer Mentor has a time card question they should go to this person
Floaters are responsible for setting up this evening activity before circle but after evening activities in each hall.
What is catering or what is snack?
Similar to musical chairs but this ice breaker is based on facts about individual people
Train Wreck
The number of states that have a College Track location coming to SZ
LA, CA, CO. Washington DC is a district, not a state :)
Haven presented on these special campus spots you should include on your academic tours
If the 360 scholars and PM groups are divided in half.
What are Blue and Gold?
Every night Floaters will do this to ensure scholars are respecting Quiet Time
Do a walk-through, make sure scholars are in their rooms, doors closed.
Tookie Tookie!
Sky blue, navy blue, yellow and white
Colin stated when reporting a minor incident you can wait this long, if it's a major incident you write the IR (after the student is safe/received care) at this point.
Minor=2 hours
To be aware of what may be happening on campus (fire/tornado/crime) Peer Mentors are connected to the
Put it on your phone now if you still haven't gotten around to it.
Floaters serve the purpose of
Being a third-person so an PM/AM is not alone with a scholar
Helping transport a medical emergency
As needed
In this activity, people must write their funniest or weirdest true story on a small piece of paper, crumble it, and toss it into the middle of the circle and the other must guess who wrote it.
What is Whose Story is It?
The day(s) and event(s) that require Peer Mentors to wear their white "STAFF" SZ t-shirts?
Monday for Rec the Night
When writing an IR Cesar taught the 4 elements to include
1. Setting
2. Concern and/or concerning behavior
3. Staff/parties involved
4. Staff actions/follow-up
Each PM has a village of scholars in a community/academic/career focus track, there are 6 total.
What are Health Professions, Business, Computer/Engineering, Arts/Education/English, Sciences and Social Science.
Floaters will be asked to periodically check for these broken items
Kill others in this ice breaker
Poison Dart Frog