What are two(2) requirements for registration in the ADP?
2 passport size photos
birth certificate
What does the acronym P.O.P. stand for?
Parent Outreach Programme
What is the name of the first Junior Life Centre?
St. Ann's/ Cascade Junior Life Centre
What is the name of Servol's Human Resource Officer?
Ms. Stacy Salazar
Which Centre was the winner of the last J.L.C. Cricket competition?
Arima J.L.C.
What do the letters A.D.P. stand for?
Adolescent Development Programme
The TEST team has an Art Analysis instructor, what is his name?
Mr. Wayne Simpson
Name two (2) present Junior Life Field Officers?
Oma Primus Dianne Reuben Angelique Gokool Gillian Semper
What is the name of the male Deputy Executive Director of Servol?
Mr. Raana Ramoutar
Since the start of the Junior Life Centre Programme to present, how many Sports Day has there been?
What are the requirements under Attendance and Punctuality for the ADP?
No more than five (5) lates or five (5) absents
What is the job of Servol drivers?
To move between Centres delivering mail, office supplies and equipment.
They ensure that materials needed for the effective running of Centres get there in a timely manner.
Where is JLC Admin located?
Corner of Mc Allsiter Street and Old St Joseph Road Laventille
Name two (2) members of the Executive Committee
Mrs. Allison Haynes Basalo
Mr. Raana Ramoutar Mrs. Adelta Wilson
Mrs. Gillian Adams Mrs. Annette Persad
Mrs. Patricia Mosca Ms. Stacy Salazar
In what year was the first J.L.C. Easter bonnet Parade held?
What is the cost of doing the A.D.P. as a private student?
Can you name three (3) Coordinators?
Wendy Lyons Dianne Endeavour
Rita McLean Christian Johnson
Sherwin Harris Anna Guerra
Ganesh Burju Heather Bonas McGillvery
Kerrion Richardson Ian Gomes
Rita Houston Annette Aberdeen
Name the present JLC Programme Coordinator
Mrs. Gillian Adams
Name the Programme Coordinators for the North East and South/Central Zones.
Mrs. Jennifer Housend
Mrs. Karima Adhar
Laventille J.L.C. won the last Calypso competition for Social commentary, in what year did this take place?
What is 'Choose your skills wisely"?
A planned activity whereby skills which are available at Centres are showcased on a specific day; a career day exhibition.
What is the name of the Head of Training in the Early Childhood Training Department?
Mrs. Indrawatie Ramlal
Name five (5) Junior Life Centres.
Arima JLC Barataria JLC
Freeport JLC La Romaine JLC
Laventille JLC Mayaro JLC
Point Fortin JLC Sangre Grande JLC
San Juan JLC St. Ann's/Cascade JLC
Name two (2) members of Servol's Board of Directors?
Sr. Ruth Montrichard Justice Roger Hamel Smith Mr. Douglas Camacho Ms. Helen Drayton Mr. Brian Des Vignes Mr. Ian Collier Mrs. Diana Mahabir Wyatt Mr. Peter Clarke Fr. Ashton Pierre
Sangre Grande J.L.C. were the first winners of J.L.C. Scrabble competition who were the last winners?
Freeport J.L.C.