When you have a singular noun, the apostrophe (') goes...
When the subject is singular, the -s goes after the (subject or verb)?
Verb (The cat runs.)
Adjectives describe...
Sight word "I," the first letter of a sentence, specific places, holidays, days of the week, months, names of people
Prefixes go _________ the root word.
When you have a plural noun, the apostrophe (') goes...
After the s (frogs')
When the subject is plural, the -s goes after the (subject or verb)?
Subject (Those pens run out of ink easily.)
Adjective or adverb? Smart
Choose the correct form: I have to clean out my backpack, (to/too/two).
Too (like also)
Suffixes go __________ the root word
When someone's name ends in "s," the apostrophe (') goes...
After the s (Ficks')
Fix this sentence: Nelly chooses Daniel yesterday.
Nelly chose Daniel yesterday.
Adverbs describe... (3 total)
Adjectives, verbs, and other adverbs.
Fix the capitalization: I always love cooking for thanksgiving!
I always love cooking for Thanksgiving!
Prefix or suffix? Pre
Add an apostrophe (') to this sentence: The scissors blades are sharp. (singular)
The scissor's blades are sharp.
Fix this sentence: Obama is the best president ever!
Obama was the best president ever!
Adjective or Adverb? Poorly
Choose the correct word: I don't want (there/their/they're) germs; they just sneezed!
Prefix or suffix? er
Add an apostrophe (') to this sentence: The bottles labels are falling off. (plural)
The bottles' labels are falling off.
Fix this sentence: Tomorrow, the gates opened for the public.
Tomorrow, the gates will open for the public.
Adjective or adverb? Yesterday
Correct this sentence: i can't wait until (your/you're) birthday on sunday!
I can't wait until your birthday on Sunday!
What does this prefix mean? Dis-
Opposite or not