What is my (Marvelle's) definition of curriculum?
The learning environment created by the teacher.
Explain RtI
All students are tested and placed into three tiers (Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III). Students in Tier II and III receive the same instruction as Tier I. In addition students in Tier II and III receive additional INTERVENTIONs by the classroom teacher or a specialist. The students in Tier II and III are regularly (oftentimes weekly) tested to see if they Respond to the Intervention. Students are moved to various Tiers based on whether they are responding or not.
To guide instruction
What are the 3 primary Learning Styles?
Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic-Tactile.
What is another name for 'just-in-time' support?
The term for frequently assessing when using 'Response to Intervention' (RtI).
Progress Monitoring
An 'exit ticket' is an example of this.
Formative Assessment
The simplest ways to Differentiate Instruction is to ____
offer choices
The concept of "Fairness" means we treat students ____.
Differently, according to their needs.
The 1st task of the members of a TEAM Meeting is ______ .
To determine if the child is eligible for Special Education.
This requires: 1) the child has a disability 2) the child is not being successful in school as a result of the disability.
Why is the concept/word YET a useful tool as an 'inclusive teacher'?
Helps students develop a "Growth Mindset." To help their students to develop self-confidence; a belief in themselves.
How can you use a game board to differentiate instruction?
Use two deck of cards (decks at different levels).
What is the definition of the 'Hidden curriculum'?
Messages that are sent unknowingly and unintentionally by the teacher. The teacher is unaware that he/she is sending these messages.
The 2nd task of the members of a TEAM Meeting is ______ .
If the student is eligible for special education (meets the criteria below), to write an IEP.
This requires: 1) the child has a disability 2) the child is not being successful in school as a result of the disability.
Why is it important to involve parents/families as your PARTNER in their child's education?
Parent/family involvement leads to higher academic achievement in school.
What is a student's Learning Profile?
It's the student's Learning Style (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic-Tactile) and Multiple Intelligences.
Is equity and equality the same?
No - equality = the same; equity = differently according to need.
What is LRE and what does it mean?
Least Restrictive Environment - the placement closest to the General Education classroom.
What is Harry Wong's key ideas regarding the First Days of School?
Teachers should teach their students specific classroom PROCEDURES; and frequently PRACTICE the PROCEDURES until they become ROUTINES.
What strategy (invented by Joseph Renzulli) do teachers use to adjust the curriculum for a gifted student.
"Curriculum Compacting"