Jospeh Smith History 1:15-20
Where do you find the first vision?
Where Joseph Smith had the first vision.
What is Palmyra New York.
The person who restored the Aaronic priesthood.
Who is John the Baptist.
The interpreters used by Joseph Smith to translate
What are the Urim & Thummim?
D&C 6:36
What is "the 6's look like eyes"?
The worth of souls is great in the sight of God.
What is D&C 18:10-11
Joseph Smith's brother
Who is Hyrum Smith? Or another brother is ok.
The three people who restored the Melchizedek priesthood.
Who are Peter, James and John?
Martin Harris, Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer
D&C 1:30
What is "there's only 1?"
The Aaronic Priesthood holds the keys to the ministering of angels.
What is D&C 13:1
Year of the First Vision
What is 1820.
What year was the Church of Jesus Christ restored?
What is 1830.
The name of the first book translated, and included on the 116 lost pages.
What is the Book of Lehi?
D&C 8:2-3
What is "Baptized at 8, 2 ways to receive revelation from 3 members of the Godhead?"
Look unto me in every thought, doubt not fear not.
What is D&C 6:36?
Joseph's wife.
Who is Emma Hale Smith.
The head of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Who is Jesus Christ.
Martin sold this to pay for the printing of the Book.
What is his farm?
D&C 18:10-11
What is "finding the worth of souls is 10 times better than anything else an 18-year old can do?"
The only true and living church
What is D&C 1:30?
The first person to scribe for Joseph Smith
Who is Emma Smith.
Number of members of the Church when it began.
What is 6.
The number of copies ordered in the first printing of the Book of Mormon.
What is 5,000?
What is "the First Vision probably lasted 15-20 minutes?"