On April 9, 1865 this general told his men, "The war is over--the Rebels are our countrymen again
General Grant
He wrote 4 of the 10 all-time kids' hardcover best sellers
Dr Seuss
This is the real name of"Custer's Last Stand"
Battle of the Little BigHorn
Former Rhodes scholar, basketball star and Senator from New Jersey
Bill Bradley
What product is being advertised here?
Coca Cola
He was Vice President while under indictment for murdering Alexander Hamilton.
Aaron Burr
Some felt this series clogged the fiction list, so in 2000, as the 4th book came out, the NY Times created a children's list
The Harry Potter series
Babies have 300, while adults have only 206 of these.
"Oh, the humanity" when 36 lives were lost in 1937, as this airship burst into flames while landing at Lakehurst NAS in New Jersey
The Hindenburg
Who is singing this Chevrolet commercial?
Dinah Shore
After providing $13 billion in aid to Europe, this recovery program officially ended in December 1951
The Marshall Plan
Who is the best selling fiction author of all time?
Agatha Christie, with over 2 billion books sold.
This is reportedly good for lowering blood pressure and repelling vampires
This New Jersey university was founded in 1766 with a charter signed by Ben Franklin's son
This chain promised "We'll leave the light on for ya."
Motel 6
What political party did President John Adams represent?
The Federalist Party
In 1974, This book about espionage with 4 professions in the title, worked its way to No. 1 on the NY Times Best-Seller Fiction list
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy by John LeCarre
Where Napoleon died in exile
St. Helena
With dueling illegal in New York, Burr & Hamilton had their deadly 1804 duel at a secluded spot in this New Jersey town.
Weehawken, NJ
This song from "South Pacific" was used by Clairol, only the word "man" is replaced with a different word
I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Outa' My Hair.
The word "Man" replaced by the word "Gray".
Shantytowns that sprang up during the Great Depression were given this presidential nickname
4 Chinese women meet regularly to eat, talk about their families & play mah-jong in this Amy Tan classic
The Joy Luck Club
The attorney that opposed Clarence Darrow at the Scopes "Monkey" Trial
William Jennings Bryan
This Governor of New Jersey resigned in 1913 to be president
Governor Woodrow Wilson
What product tells you to "Obey Your Thirst"?