3 categories of the Diffusion Process Variables are...
Features of the Setting
Characteristics of the Innovation
Characteristics of the Individuals
Characteristics of the Change Agents
List 3 Life Course specific terms
Life Course Perspective
Life event
Turning Point
List the 5 areas of RE-AIM
The the 3 types of resources
personal, social and community
Determinants of Health
Define Relative Advantage
Is the innovation better than what currently exists in the community?
List 3 areas of the Ottawa Charter
Strengthen Community Action
Develop Personal Skills
Create a Supportive Environment
Reach is...
Who the innovation targets (target group) and/or who has already completed the innovation
What is a general resistance resource?
A positive resource that helps move someone to a position of ease
What does Enable mean?
Gives someone the skills/information they need to make healthier choices and help them move to a position of ease
Define Compatibility
How is the innovation compatible to the needs of students/the community? Does it mitigate a barrier or strengthen an existing community resource?
What is a barrier?
Maintenance is...
What happens in the long term or how it is sustained over time
What is a stressor
A negative resource that moves someone away from a position of ease
What does Advocate mean?
to speak out and act on behalf of yourself or another to ensure that your or others’ interests are taken into account
Define socio-cultural features of the setting
How does the innovation fit the needs/learning styles etc of the students and/or community
What is a determinant?
a 'big picture' factor that determines the health status of an individual or or population such as - social connectedness, education, geographical location, employment
Implementation is...
How is the innovation is delivered? Time, cost, delivery method
Define and give 3 examples of a Personal Resource
A resource that is specific to an individual - income, education, mental health, physical health
What does a Data Trend need to include?
be a pattern over time (state the years)
have two data sets e.g. percentages
is it increasing or decreasing
link to either a barrier, resource or determinant
3 Characteristics of Change Agents
What is a trajectory?
A pathway that shows a pattern of stability and change that usually involves multiple transitions across the life-course
Adoption is...
The number of organisations/schools who have already adopted the program and have it imbedded long term
Give 2 examples of a Social Resource
Peers, partners, family members...
What does mediate mean?
a process (mediation) through which the different interests of individuals and communities are reconciled in ways that promote and protect health
5 Characteristics of the Individuals
Early Adopters
Early Majority
Late Majority
What is a Transition? Give an examples
Where your role in society changes - moving from one stage of life to the next e.g. finishing year 12
Effectiveness is...
What are the outcomes/results of the innovation. They can be positive or negative.
Define and give 2 examples of a Community Resource
A resource available for the whole community to access
Schools, workplaces, programs, guidance officer, psychiatrist
What should your recommendation include (5 things)?
Improve a weakness in the innovation
Enable or mediate or advocate
Mitigate a barrier
Strengthen an exisiting resource
Link to a DPV
5 Characteristics of the Innovation
Relative Advantage
What is Life Course?
Sequence of age categories that people are normally expected to pass through as they progress from birth to death
What is diffusion of an innovation?
Which area of RE-AIM can you use to explain diffusion?
The speed and spread of the innovation into a community
Reach or Implementation
What do you need to cover in your context analysis (Q1)
2 Barriers
2 Enablers
Personal, Social and Community Resource (link to each other)
2 Determinants
2 Data Trends
What do you need to cover in your context analysis (Q2)
Diffusion (1 RE-AIM + 1 DPV)
Uptake (1 RE-AIM + 1 DPV)
Recommendation (1 DPV)