The ability to do work things is more important than the ability to interact people.
What is realistic environment?
The acquisition of wealth is particularly important for _________ people.
Realistic people tend to work _________________ jobs.
plumbing, roofing, electrical and automative repair, and farming.
People are encouraged to use complex and abstract thinking to solve problems creatively.
What is the investigative environment?
the _________ person is interested in helping people through teaching, helping with personal or vocational problems.
INvestigative people tend to work ________________ jobs.
math, physics, chemistry, biology, geology and other physical or biological sciences.
Such an environment is free and open, creativ,ity and personal expression.
What is the artictic environment?
The __________ person likes the opportunity to himself or herself in a free and un systematic way, creating music, art.
ARtistic people tend to work __________________ jobs.
musicians, fine artists, and writers.
This environemnt encourages people understanding of each other, where people can work with others.
What is the social environemnt?
The _________ person is likely to enjoy puzzles and challenges that require the use of intellect.
Social people tend to work _____________________ jobs.
counseling, teacher, education, and social works.
This environment, people manage and persuade others to attain organizational or personal goals.
what is enterprising environment?
_________ people are likely to enjoy using machines in their hobbies or work.
Enterprising people tend to work ____________________ jobs.
sales work, business management, and politics.