The World of Cooking
Canadian History
Theological Things
Common Phrases
Musical Tastes

The best-selling pancake syrup brand "Aunt Jemima's" is now known by this name

What is the Pearl Milling Company?


While other furs and pelts were prized, it was the fur of this animal that fueled the exploration of Canada

What is the beaver?


Carried around by the priests in the desert, and finding its rest in the Holy of Holies, this gold covered object is now lost to history

What is The Ark of the Covenant? 


This metaphor about dairy warns to not bemoan past errors

What is "There's no use crying over spilt milk"?


The oboe, bassoon, and clarinet all belong to this class of instruments

What are woodwinds?


A meal of Steak and Lobster is often known by this rhyming name

What is surf and turf?


Leading the Red River Rebellion in 1869, this man became an english enemy and a francaphone hero

Who is Louis Riel?


Formed from two words meaning "the study of end times" this word is just that!

What is Eschatology? 


This example of a bird and an insect, often quoted by parents, tells of the rewards of getting up on time

What is, "The early bird gets the worm"?


While the Organ is oldest, and the Harpsichord is next, this younger sister, whose name means "soft-loud" has left them in the dust

What is the "piano-forte"?


Everyone knows that the chef is the king of the kitchen, this is the title of his right-hand man

What is a sous-chef?


During 1970, Pierre Trudeau initiated the War Measures Act to quell this escalating situation

What is the October Crisis?


When he received and wrote his famous Revelation, the Apostle John was exiled to this isolated island

What is the Island of Patmos?


This sewing phrase says that acting early means less work

What is, "A stitch in time saves nine"?

George Frederich Handel composed a great quantity of works, but this Oratorio piece, about the life of Christ, has become the most famous Oratorio of all time. A famous song off it is the Halleluja Chorus

What is "The Messiah"?


This fluffy egg dish from France can be served as a savoury main dish or sweetened as a dessert.

What is a soufflé?


While other provinces had already been in confederation for many years, this province (not territory!) was the last to join

What is Newfoundland and Labrador?


This Latin phrase meaning "out of nothing" is how God created the world

What is Ex Nihilo?


This phrase instructs not to get rid of the good along with the bad, unlike the parent in the phrase!

What is "Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater"?


This Italian baroque composer is known for his fast, intricate string parts. He composed the four seasons, of which "Spring" is very overplayed

Who is Antonio Vivaldi?


This tasty dish, which translated means "burnt cream", is very rich and sweet: a small portion is usually quite sufficient!

What is crème brûlée?

This man served as the eighth Prime Minister of Canada, and was in office from 1911-1920

Who is Sir Robert Borden


The addition of the word filioque, meaning "and the Son", caused the official split between these two branches of Christianity in 1054: it was the biggest split the Church has ever seen!

Who are the Catholics and the Orthodox?


This common statement, used every day, is actually an abbreviation of "God be with you"

What is, "Good-bye"?


While the guitar has far outpaced it, this guitar like instrument was all the rage in European courts in the Middle Ages

What is the Lute?
