Completing the Sentence 1
Completing the Sentence 2
Completing the Sentence 3
Completing the Sentence 4
Two in One
The _______________ branches of the willow tree hanged limply over the river.
What is flaccid?
This cake is absolutely _______________. Where did you say it came from?
What is delectable?
The _______________ summoned spirits of the dead to attack his enemies.
What is necromancer?
This town is _______________ with raccoons! Where do they all keep coming from?!
What is rife?
Paige got an _______________ look on her face when she discovered that her family was preparing a _______________ canteloupe for her birthday.
What is ebullient and delectable?
Children are typically most _______________ on Christmas morning. Their enthusiasm is unstoppable!
What is ebullient?
Terrified that his dad would find out he scratched his Maserati, Jack tried to _______________ the flaw out with every tool at his disposal. Unfortunately, none of it worked!
What is burnish?
She decided to devote her entire summer to a missions trip that would be spent helping _______________ locals by providing basic necessities like food, water, and shelter.
What is impecunious?
The students took one look at Mr. Paul before _______________(ing) his lesson as boring and stupid.
What is deprecate?
The _______________ of math are introduced at a very young age. But, as you get further into the more complex concepts, you might find that completing math exercises is an extremely _______________ and time-consuming task.
What is rudiments and onerous?
The train that had come off the rails was barreling down the street with _______________ force. The police knew there was nothing they could do to stop it.
What is inexorable?
Considerable amounts of _______________ washed up onto the shores of the beach immediately following the massive hurricane.
What is detritus?
She _______________(ed) all of the unnecessary parts of her novel away and was let with only the absolutely perfect parts.
What is winnow?
I tried to _______________ my contract with Verizon so that I could switch carriers, but they charged me ridiculous cancellation fees!
What is abrogate?
This part of the city is absolutely _______________ with _______________ people. There are homeless indigents everywhere!
What is rife and impecunious?
The _______________ man had grown incredibly pale, had ragged breathing, and could barely move a muscle. His time would be over soon.
What is moribund?
Handling children requires a great deal of tenderness rather than rough _______________.
What is asperity?
After being captured by the enemy army, the group of us were forced to do _______________ labor for days on end with minimal food and water.
What is onerous?
It is important to budget your money and _______________ only small amounts for "fun money."
What is sequester?
I've been trying to _______________ my various financial commitments in an attempt to free up some budget money. As a result, I've been _______________(ing) any services that I find unnecessary (such as my NFL Sunday Ticket package and my Loot Crate subscription).
What is winnow and abrogate?
Before we leave for our camping trip, we should make sure we have the bare _______________: a tent, some food, and sleeping bags.
What is rudiments?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY: The _______________ of _______________(s) worked in secret to summon the dark god Cthulu through rituals involving human sacrifice and bloodshed!
What is cabal and necromancers?
I like to sit by the creek sometimes and listen to all of the _______________ noises like the sounds of rushing water, crickets chirping, and wind through the leaves of the trees.
What is ambient?
That record store is so _______________! They have albums from every different style of music and every decade.
What is eclectic?
The _______________ CD featured songs composed entirely from _______________ noises like the sounds of a bubbling brook, birds flitting through the canopy, and other sounds of nature.
What is eclectic and ambient?