The physical feeling that occurs when an outside force interacts with the body in a number of different ways.
What is sensation?
This part of the eye expands and contracts depending on how much light is needed to be taken in.
What is the pupil?
The way sound travels - these require a medium, such as air or water, to travel through.
What are sound waves?
The ability of the senses to work together to give us our perception of the world.
What is Sensory Interaction?
How many is five?
The difference in stimuli that can barely be detected.
What is the difference threshold?
The part of the eye that determines the size of the pupil and gives our eye its color.
What is the Iris?
This unit it used to measure the amplitude of a sound.
What are decibels?
Loss or decrease in the ability to smell.
What is anosmia?
The ability to focus on certain sensations while tuning out others.
What is selective attention?
When we misinterpret sounds because the visual stimulus does not match.
What is the McGurk Effect?
Part of the eye that is responsible for projecting light waves back to the Retina.
What is the Lens?
This part of a sound wave determines the pitch of a sound and is also known as frequency.
What is wavelength?
When experiencing one sense triggers another.
What is synesthesia?
This is a general blur or distortion in vision caused by a misshaped lens.
What is astigmatism?
The study of how physical stimuli affects mental status.
What is psychophysics?
Also known as nearsightedness - this visual deficiency is when you struggle to see objects that are far away.
What is myopia?
This unit is used to measure a sound's pitch.
What are hertz?
The 25% of people who contain more taste buds than the average amount are known as this.
What are supertasters?
This type of hearing loss occurs when the ear cannot effectively transmit sound to the brain for perception.
What is sensorineural?
The point in which stimuli can barely be detected.
What is the absolute threshold?
This part of the eye is made up of tissue and contains photo-receptors to help us determine what we are seeing.
What is the Retina?
This type of hearing loss is when physical damage to the head or ear causes a decrease in hearing ability.
What is conductive?
The liquid filled portions in your inner ear that help your brain determine balance.
What is the vestibular system?
The idea that their are two different types of nerves within the skin receptors - one that detects pain and one that continues/stops it.
What is the Gate-Control Theory of Pain?