Sensation Hodge Podge
"Feel" the Music

Use your previous knowledge and experience to do this form of processing. This will allow you to see a face in a well organized pile of fruits and vegetables before you notice the individual components.

What is top down processing?


There actually is some accounting for gustation, also known as this one of the 5 senses, as scientists have counted 6 major categories of receptor cells

What is taste? (oleogustus, umami, sweet, salty, sour, bitter)


If you play a song backwards, you may not at first be able to distinguish a secret message but once given the words to listen for, you can distinguish them. This is an example of what type of processing?

What is bottom-up processing?


These color sensing cells of the eyes help you distinguish between different wavelengths of light, but they are focused in the front part of your eyes so color is not clear in your peripheries

What are cones?


He followed the single "The Way You Make Me Feel" with "Man in the Mirror" from his 1987 album Bad

Who is Michael Jackson?


If you're writing an "S.A." it may be useful to consciously focus on that single task while ignoring irrelevant distractions, also known as utilizing this well developed skills of humans

What is selective attention?


Bruce! Bruce! You should have no problem hearing your own name, even in a crowded room thanks to this effect which alerts your unconscious selective attention. Now put down that martini.

What is the cocktail party effect?


This perspective of psychology would focus their research on investigating how sound waves hit the timpanic membrane and how on a cellular level it hairs in the cochlea

What is Biological?


Your peripheral vision is very good at detecting movement and can even see pretty well in the dark once adjusted thanks to these cells in your eyes

What are rods?


Billie Eilish sang that she doesn't "know how to feel" in this questionable song from the Barbie movie soundtrack

"What Was I Made For?"


Psychologists can explain why you may see a completed shape or word in advertising and art even when there are incomplete lines because of this Gestalt principle

What is closure?


This meaty sensation picked up by your taste buds can be stimulated by protein rich foods, cheese, and the spice MSG which is very prominently featured in Chinese food

What is umami?


You're on your way to an "A" if you know this term for the height of a sound wave which is what we can measure as the difference between LOUD and soft sounds

What is amplitude?


Interposition, the ability to perceive depth by judging the distance between objects based on how one object partially covers another, is this type of depth cue available to either eye alone

What is a monocular depth cue?


"Windmill, windmill for the land, Turn forever hand in hand" starts the chorus for this 2005 hit from the Gorillaz' album Demon Days

What is "Feel Good Inc."?


I think it's spooky that an amputee can feel this pain in their missing appendage because of a confusing set of signals being sent to the brain

What is phantom limb pain?


From the Latin for "little man", this term is used for the visual representation of how our brain senses the world around us and you'll notice how big certain parts of his body are (hands, lips, tongue) because they're more sensitive to touch

What is homunculus?


Pitch, the frequencies we either perceive as high or low, can be distinguished because of their difference in this scientific measurement of the sound 

What is wavelength?


Far away objects appearing blurry occurs because of a bend in this light focusing part of the eye

What is the retina?


This band who originated in Massachusetts had a hit song in 1976 titled "More Than a Feeling" that you can still hear on classic rock radio today

What is Boston?


This man's law states that for things to be noticeable as different, they have to differ by a certain percentage and that the larger the original stimulus the larger the change needs to be for you to notice it

What is Weber('s Law)?


This bulb in the brain processes different smells and "o"dors

What is the Olfactory bulb?


Under a microscope, different locations on the cochlea light up when hearing high sounds with differing pitches, which psychologists have used to formulate this theory of how we hear

What is place theory?


This effect states that when shown incongruent stimuli (a color written in a font of a different color for example) your reaction time tends to decrease because of the conflicting signals being processed by your brain

What is the Stroop Effect?


Taking after her director daddy, this nepo-baby is Super 8 in touch with her emotions on songs like "Feels Like" and "Feel Good About You" on her album "This is what it feels like"

Who is Gracie Abrams?
