Secret meetings with an unofficial board of Jackson's political supporters and friends was called
Kitchen Cabinet
__________________ was a very polarizing President who established the Democratic Party, vetoed the National Bank, and created harsh policies against Indigenous groups. He was considered the hero at the Battle of New Orleans, earning the nickname "Old Hickory" and became the 7th President of the U.S.
Andrew Jackson
Who did the House of Representatives chose as President in the 1824 Election when none of the candidates received a majority of the electoral votes?
John Quincy Adams
Cap or No Cap: John Adams (2nd President) and his son John Quincy Adams (6th President) both served three (3) terms as head of the Executive Branch
Cap / False - one (1) term
Identify at least one (1) symbol of national pride as a result of the War of 1812
-"The Star-Spangled Banner" / U.S. flag
-Uncle Sam
-Rebuilding Washington D.C. & White House
-Bonus: Bald Eagle represents freedom today
Tactic used in the contentious 1828 Election in which candidates hurled accusations at each other, primarily personal attacks and insults to undermine their opponent in the eyes of the public
______________________ was a Democratic-Republican, unlike his father John Adams the nation’s 2nd president, who was a staunch Federalist. This man became the nation's 6th President, serving one team like his father, after winning the 1824 Election when the House of Representatives chose him
John Quincy Adams
Henry Clay who had supported Adams when the decision went to the House of Representatives in the 1824 Election, in exchange was named Secretary of State in Adams’ administration was referred to as what by Jackson supporters?
Corrupt Bargain
Cap or No Cap: People from the West were called Frontiersmen, seen as rugged and hardy but crude by the rest of the country
No Cap / True
Identify at least one (1) Latin American country which became independent in the 1800s, likely sparked by the American Revolution
Practice of rewarding political supporters with government jobs in which Jackson replaced Adams' supporters with his own friends to become civil servants (government employees)
Spoils System
__________________'s presidency was considered the "Era of Good Feelings" with a growth of national pride and economic prosperity following the War of 1812. He was the 5th President of the U.S.
James Monroe
Jackson vetoed the bill to renew the ______________, believing it was an unfair monopoly, even though the Supreme Court had ruled that this entity, an extension of the U.S. Treasury Department was legal
Cap or No Cap: The Monroe Doctrine sent a message to the rest of the world and helped to proclaim that the United States was becoming a strong, confident nation
No Cap / True
As a result of the 1830 Indian Removal Act, the ________________ was a 1,200-mile forced march, which took place during the winter, and 4,000 Cherokee died from sickness, hunger, and exhaustion along the way
Trail of Tears
Businesses are privately owned and compete in a free market system to make a profit (the basis of our economic system still today)
_________________'s American System was to encoruage economic growth. Also, he had become Secretary State in what Jackson supporters called a "Corrupt Bargain" in the 1824 Election.
Henry Clay
In 1828, when Congress passed a law that raised tariffs (taxes on imported goods like cloth and glass) to help U.S. factories, southern states were opposed and as a result ignored the new taxation laws. This event, the ____________________ was a sign of developing tensions between North and South
Nullification Crisis
Cap or No Cap: James Monroe's presidency was called the "Monroean Democracy" for establishing a new political party.
Cap / False - "Era of Good Feelings"
In the early 1800s, the land between the Appalachians and the Mississippi River was known as
The West (or the Frontier)
Government should play a larger and more active role in the economy
Economic Nationalism
___________________ created the Democratic Party along with Andrew Jackson in the 1828 Election to appeal towards the "common man"; and later succeeds Jackson to become the 8th President of the U.S.
Martin Van Buren
Which Amendment to the U.S. Constitution gives the House of Representatives the power to choose the President when no candidate receives a majority of the Electoral Votes?
Cap or No Cap: John Quincy Adams opposed the American System & Monroe Doctrine
Cap / False - supported
Which state, of which Andrew Jackson's Vice President John C. Calhoun called home, strongly opposed the tariffs raised by Congress in 1828? This state even threatened to secede or withdraw from the U.S.
South Carolina