Macular Degeneration
Retinal Detachment
Sensory Impairment

Alteration in the lens occurs over the years as the person ages, yielding a gradual clouding of the lens secondary to a chemical change involving this.

What is Protein?


Glaucoma is not a single eye disease but a group of eye conditions that present with this occurrence, resulting in damage to the ocular nerve.

What is the Intraocular Pressure (IOP)?


This is the structure in the eye that tis in the center of the retina. 

What is the macula?


This the description of a retinal detachment.

What is separation of the inner layer of the retina from the underlying retinal pigment epithelium, or choroid?


Almost all adults around age 45 will have this visual disorder which will require reading glasses or a handheld magnifying glass?

What is Presbyopia?


Clinical Manifestations for cataracts could include any of these.

What is cloudy or blurred vision, increased night vision difficulty, photophobia, fading or yellowing of colors, and/or double vision in a single eye?


A patient would call the provider if these clinical manifestations occurred to rule out possible glaucoma.

What is peripheral vision lose or blind spots in the eyes?


This is damage to the optic nerve even though the IOP is normal.

What is Low tension Glaucoma or Normal-Pressure Glaucoma?


These are some of the modifiable risk factors of retinal detachment.

What is extreme myopia, history of retinal detachments, past cataract surgery, or a prior eye injury?


A patient who is hard of hearing is admitted to the hospital, but he is unable to sleep while in the hospital due to the call lights going off in the distance and the nurses and PCTs are coming in every hour to either take vitals or give medications. 

What is sensory deficit?


These are some appropriate post-operative discharge instructions to give a patient with cataracts. 

What are elevating the head of the bed 30-45 degrees and laying on their back or nonoperative side. Maintaining the eye patch to protect, minimize movement and decrease discomfort, taking a stool softener so to decrease possible increase in the IOP?


These would be considered modifiable risk factors for glaucoma.

What is patient with myopia, prolonged corticosteroid use, or irregular heart rhythms?


Clinical manifestations that can be assessed include identifying Drusen bodies under the retina in this type of macular degeneration.

What is Dry Macular Degeneration?


These are clinical manifestations for a retinal detachment.

What is sudden or gradual floater in the visual field that may have a "curtain" half close view, or an "cobweb" view?


These are nonmodifiable risk factors for visual impairment?

What is heredity, age, and diabetes?


Nonmodifiable Risk factors would include any of these.

What is Advanced age, family genetic history, race and ethnicity, Diabetes mellitus, Autoimmune disease, and certain eye conditions such as myopia or eye injuries or surgeries?


These would be considered nonmodifiable risk factors for glaucoma.

What is being of African American descent over the age of 40, people having a family history of glaucoma, everyone over age 60 especially those of Mexican American descent, and those with medical conditions like diabetes or hypothyroidism?


This is a clinical manifestation noted in a patient with wet macular degeneration.

What is abnormal blood vessels behind the retina that start to grow under the macula, and are so fragile they start to leak blood and fluid?


These are nursing post post procedure discharge instruction's for our patient who had a retinal detachment.

What is covering both eyes with loosely fitting cover, taking a stool softener to avoid increase IOP, and avoiding sneezing, lifting, and bending at the waist to avoid IOP?


These would be modifiable risk factors for hearing deficits. 

What is occupational & recreational noises, exposure to certain medications?


Modifiable risk factors would include any of the these.

What is Exposure to UV light, Obesity, Elevated Blood pressure, Smoking, Long-term exposure to Lead?


Glaucoma Post Procedure Nursing instructions would include these.

What is actions to avoid increased IOP, so don't lift any heavy objects (greater than 25 lbs), avoid constipation for at least 2 weeks after the procedure, no bending at the waist for first 48 hours?


These are nonmodifiable risk factors of macular degeneration.

What are age (those over age 60 are at greatest risk), family history, gender (more common in women than men), race(more common in Caucasians), Diabetes, Head injuries, Infections?


These are some of the nonmodifiable risk factors for retinal detachment.

What is family history, patients having other eye diseases or disorders, presence of systemic diseases like: Diabetes, Tumors, Leukemia, Eclampsia, or prematurity?


A patient can see on the Snellen chart at 20 feet, what someone without visual deficits can see at 200 feet. Is state to have this. 

What is a patient who is myopia?
