Which of the four types of sentence fragments is the following?: Ciara, a great student
Missing Verb Sentence Fragment?
Correct the following sentence and identify whether you corrected it by adding a subject, a verb, and subject and a verb, or an independent clause: Arleth, a student in our class
Identify the subject in the following sentence: Melaku is from Ethiopia.
to make somebody feel ashamed or stupid and lose the respect of other people
How old is Mr. Burke?
Which of the four types of sentence fragments is the following?: Whenever Consuelo pets the cat
Dependent Clause Sentence Fragment
Correct the following sentence and identify whether you corrected it by adding a subject, a verb, and subject and a verb, or an independent clause: Erik, who wants to become a real estate agent
by adding a verb
Identify the verb in the following sentence: Savion wants to pursue a degree in business and marketing.
A copy of something
What state does Mr. Burke live in?
Which of the four types of sentence fragments is the following?: On Savion's sandwich
Missing a Subject & Verb Sentence Fragment?
Correct the following sentence and identify whether you corrected it by adding a subject, a verb, and subject and a verb, or an independent clause: a funny way of saying things.
by adding a subject and verb or by adding a verb
Identify the prepositional phrase in the following sentence: Angel left his shoe on the table.
on the table
To motivate someone
What city is Mr. Burke from?
Which of the four types of sentence fragments is the following?: runs so fast!
Missing a Subject Sentence Fragment
Correct the following sentence and identify whether you corrected it by adding a subject, a verb, and subject and a verb, or an independent clause: When Veronica was a child
by adding an independent clause
Identify the subject & verb in the following sentence: Manuel, who is in this class, really loves English!
Manuel loves
to understand or think of somebody/something in a particular way
What kind of car does Mr. Burke drive?
Which of the four types of sentence fragments is the following?: Until Melaku decides the time is right.
Dependent Clause Sentence Fragment
Correct the following sentence and identify whether you corrected it by adding a subject, a verb, and subject and a verb, or an independent clause: Around the corner.
by adding a subject and a verb
Identify the subject, verb, and prepositional phrase in the following sentence: April forgot her little kitten, Tiger, around the corner.
April, forgot, and around the corner
The state of being poor
What is Mr. Burke's middle name?