Used to see assignments and check grades for classes
What is Blackboard?
A place where you can go if you have health concerns
what is health services?
It has a wide variety of food choices and offices to many clubs (Hint: Including the MCC and Fitness Center)
What is the Student Center?
Agenda, Notes, Reminders, Calendar
How to stay academically organized?
the oldest peer mentor in the group
Who is Chek?
The app you will use to communicate with your professors and other resources on campus (CHECK EVERYDAY)
What is Outlook?
A place where students go for academic support, tutoring, and coaching.
What is CASAS?
Home to CASAS and Academic advising it is also a nice place to study
What is the library?
A website that can be used to review ratings from previous students on a professor you might have
What is Rate My Professor?
There are 8 planets
What is the solar system?
Where you can make appointments with tutors, coaches, and your advocates (Key and Rosie)
What is Navigate?
A person you can u go to if you want to change your major, need academic help, or need support.
What is your advisor?
An outside area where the volleyball court is for students to play and enjoy the nice weather
What is the Residence Quad?
Can show grades, track shuttle busses, and show conn menu.
What is the SCSU mobile App?
Something you find in Conn everyday in different forms
What is potatoes?
An app where you can manage your hoot loot card, registration for classes, and access your housing info
What is Banner Student?
An organization that provides students access and equity to higher education while supporting students academically
What is UAP?
You go here to replace your HootLoot card if lost or broken and for financial help
What is Wintergreen?
An exciting cultural experience during school break
What is UAP study away?
Otus the Owl
What is the Owl Mascots name?
Used to be updated on events happening around campus and join clubs
What is Owl Connect?
where new students can access the support and academic resources to help them
What is FYE?
A comfortable area where students can relax and wind down in between classes that is located in Engleman.
What is UAP Zen Den?
Can be used to buy food at different spots on campus ($150 a semester)
What is Food loot?
Southern Education Opportunity Program
University Access Programs
What does SEOP Stand for? (100+ if you can tell what UAP stands for)