hiring this worker was a brutal mistak
sorry that i said i cursed infront of young children
when baba first came home what was the counter colurs?
dark green
who had ice ice room in 2019
what is the smallest tree in the world
dwarf willow
who died from police and was a big deal
george floyd
me trying to get my firetruck up on a shelf caused this brutal mistake injury
blue toe
what was khalids hair size when baba first came home
what thing was baba on when he scraped his face off at cambringe
what is the biggest tree in the world
red woood tree
who is palestine in war with
isreal sry i cursed again
mummy thought we could do this thing before class that only went on for 6 days caused a brutal mistake
reciting a ayah
what was the floor matriel when this house first got built
what was in babas backyard
how many feet is the tallest tree in the world
who was the main person on ABC
david muir
we lost this item from donating 100 cars wich caused too a brutal mistake
golden car
what was are first school program called
gca or k12
what was khalid s lego building thingy called
what is the oldest tree in the world
basin bristlecone pine
who is the main talker in NBC
lester holt
mummy wanted too get this size bed for her and baba but she instead got a difrent one wich she avoided a brutal mistake
queen size bed
what sticker was on the bottom of my first black mouse
a arrow
what was my favorite teacher in gca
what is the first tree in the world
who does ice ice hate after moving to the NBC team?
tom yomus