What is the Hebrew New Year called?
Rosh Hashana
In what Hebrew month do we celebrate the Head of the Year (New Year) in?
In how many days did Hashem create the world in?
7 days
Who were the first two people created on earth? (Hebrew names only)
Adam & Chava
What was Hagar's & Avraham's son's name?
What is the purpose of Yom Kippur?
To ask Hashem for forgiveness
Name all the Main characters in the Purim Story (both good & evil)
What was Avraham's first test out of the 10?
Lech Lecha - GO!
He had to leave his homeland
Who did Hashem tell to build a Teivah (an ark) to save themselves from the flood? (Hebrew name)
Why did Eisav want to kill Yaakov?
Because Yaakov stole Eisav's birthright blessing from his father, Yitzchak
Why do we celebrate Sukkot in a white tent?
It represents the clouds that protected the Jews when they left Egypt
Name 5 out of the 10 plague that Hashem put in Egypt.
1. Blood
2. Frogs
3. Lice
4. Wild Animals
5. Cattle Disease
6. Boils
7. Fire & Ice Hail
8. Darkness
9. Locusts
10. Killing of the First Born
What was Avraham's & Sarah's names originally?
Avram & Sarai
Avraham married someone besides Sarah, who & why?
Hagar, because Sarah couldn't have children
He would work for him for 7 years
What are the two Miracles from the Chanukah story?
1. Finding only one pure jug of olive oil that lit the Menorah for 8 days
2. The small group of Jewish fighters (Macabees) defeating the huge Greek army
Why is the holiday, Passover, called that?
Because Hashem passed over the Jewish homes when he killed the Egyptians first borns
How did Yaakov hurt himself in the hip when fleeing Lavan's house?
Eisav's archangel fought with him
Who was Avraham's maidservant that was sent to find Yitzchak a wife?
What admirable thing did Rachel do for her sister Leah so that she wouldn't get embarrassed?
She showed Leah the secret code to give to Yaakov under the Chuppah so she wouldn't get embarrassed
What is the name of the holiday where we celebrate the Trees and Fruits?
Tu Bishvat
What did Hashem & Moshe tell the Jewish people to do before the last plague to test their loyalty to Hashem?
Go to their Egyptian neighbor's home, kill their sheep, and take the blood and paint it on their own doorpost.
This was because the Egyptians believed their god was a sheep
Who was Yaakov's favorite wife and son?
Rachel & Yosef
Who were the two people Yosef met in jail and was able to interpret their dreams for them?
The butler and the baker
Why did Yosef's brothers sell him to slavery & how did they show their father Yaakov what happened?
They were jealous of Yosef because it was obvious he was the favorite.
The brothers took his special coat and dipped it into blood to show their father that Yosef was eaten by a beast