Which sacrament involves Holy Water & The Holy Spirit
What prayer involves Mary, the Mother of Jesus?
Hail Mary
Entrance, Greeting, Penitential Act, Glory to God, & Collect
Introductory Rites
Jesus is ______ and ______.
Human and Divine
Name a Gospel that starts with an M
Which Sacrament involves the Eucharist and Jesus' Blood?
First Holy Communion
What prayer involves the Father (God)?
Our Father?
First Reading, Responsorial Psalm, Second Reading, Gospel Accumulation, Gospel, Homily & Profession of Faith
Liturgy of the Word
What does divine mean?
Sinless, perfect
Name the Gospel that starts with an M
Which sacrament involves The Holy Spirit and the Bishop?
What prayer involves the Trinity?
Glory Be
Presentation of the Gifts, Prayer over offerings, Eucharistic prayer, The Lord's prayer, Sign of Peace, Lamb of God, Communion, and Prayer after communion
Liturgy of the Eucharist
Jesus revealed to us the awesome truth that God is __________
Name a Gospel that starts with an L
Baptism, First Holy Communion and Confirmation are the sacraments of _____________
What is the long prayer that we say in Mass on Sundays?
Nicene Creed
Optional announcements, Greeting & Blessing, Dismissal
Concluding rites
Founded in the Apostles is:
Name a Gospel that starts with a J
-Blood and wine
Eucharist and Blood- consecrated
Bread and Wine- not consecrated
What does he say?
May Almighty God, Bless you in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
What does the Father kiss before mass starts and after mass ends
A proclamation of the Gospel, distilled into its most essential elements: God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit created us to be in loving communion with him for all eternity
Name the Gospel where the Prodigal Son is found
Luke 15