The Holiday after which school used to begin
Labor Day
In a survey, over 90% of responders said this was their least favorite subject in school
These awards are given yearly to honor films and film stars
Saint Paul Hermitage closed down to visitors on this date
March 11
Date on which autumn officially begins this year
September 22
The color of most school transportation
In this class, you might study Monet, Picasso or Georgia O'Keefe
This award is given for television shows and their stars
Most of our rules and regulations come from the CDC. What does CDC stand for?
Center for Disease Control
The 3 autumn months
September, October, November
Name given to the place where rural schooling happened in the 1800's
One room school house or little red school house
Rarely taught now, this subject helped young people become acquainted with cooking and household management
Home Ec
These awards are named after the man who invented dynamite
Nobel prize
The 2 measures we are all asked to take to prevent the spread of COVID
masks, social distancing
September birthstone
Name for the schoolbag that most students carry to school these days
In high school, rather than taking academic courses, some students could choose to follow this tract to learn shop, floristry, cosmetology, etc.
Vocational training
Mother Teresa received the Nobel prize in this area
Time that visitation begins and ends on Residential Visitation days
1 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
These creatures spend most of the Fall migrating
New England city that was the site of the first pubilc elementary school
In this class, one might learn a song to recall the names of all the presidents
The Nobel Prize for Literature was awarded to this senator (soon-to-be president) for his book, Profiles in Courage
Name 2 treats you have received from Sr Susan during the pandemic
possible answers:
puzzles, jello parfaits, raspberry cakes, strawberries and cream, wine and cheese, applesauce cake, devil's food cake, mandarin oranges
The chemical that causes the leaves to change colors