Bucket List
Food Expressions

This mode of commercial transportation comes with a view and hearkens back to a slower time.

What is train travel?

It’s the perfect example of “the destination is the journey.” Both Canada and the United States have transcontinental train travel.


This was the first form of mass communication after the newspaper.

What is radio?

Cell phones and Bluetooth would not have been possible without the discovery that radio waves travel through space


If women are from Venus, men are from this planet.

What is Mars? 

John Gray popularized the planet comparison in his book Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus.


As flat as this...

What is a pancake? 

For example, “My hair is as flat as a pancake today.”


Some people want to travel to all seven of these major areas across the globe.

What are continents?

Some wealthy travelers might also register for space travel on SpaceX, Blue Origin, or Virgin Galactic.


This appliance can be found in most kitchens in North America. It causes the water molecules in food to vibrate, heating them up quickly.

What is the microwave?

In 1947, the first microwave oven cost $5,000. In today’s money, that’s roughly $69,500.


This casual piece of furniture is associated with men for relaxation and watching TV.  

What is recliner?

It is also sometimes referred to as a La-Z-Boy. However, the company La-Z-Boy Inc. is a furniture manufacturer that sells more than just these popular recliners.


A mineral that is “blank of the earth,” and you can “take it with a grain blank".

 Answer: What is salt? 

“Salt of the earth” refers to kind, decent people, while “take with a grain of salt” is to be skeptical.


If you run a 26.2-mile race, you are participating in this.

What is a marathon?

 If running isn’t for you, try a walkathon. Some charities, such as the March of Dimes, hold walkathons all over the country


A popular recent addition to cars for winter driving, these keep you cozy and can also relieve back pain.

What are heated seats? 

The seats also increase circulation and are invaluable if you are stranded in winter and need to stay warm until help arrives.


This is a popular name for a man’s room in the home.

What is a man cave?
It’s typically filled with games, musical instruments, exercise equipment, large TVs, and anything related to sports.


What you’re in when you’re in a tight space.

What is pickle?

If your check is deposited late, you might be in a pickle.


To expand your ability to communicate, you might study one of these.

What is a foreign language?

There are many free language courses available online.


Western Union used to be in the business of sending telegrams. Today its business is this.

What is money transfer?

In 1867, Western Union helped broker the sale of Alaska to the United States via its telegram services. It has been transferring money since 1871.


This is a type of genetic baldness.

What is male pattern?

Male pattern baldness begins at the hairline and works its way back. It eventually forms a U-shaped bald area.


A car that requires endless repairs.

What is lemon? 
Do you remember the Ford Pinto and all its fires? Pinto and lemon were once synonymous.


This dangerous activity, as we know it, dates back to France in the late 18th century and involves jumping from a very great height.

What is skydiving?

André-Jacques Garnerin became famous in late 18th-century France when he jumped from hot-air balloons with a parachute for show


This way of paying has simultaneously relieved people of being short on cash and making ATM withdrawals less and less of a thing. 

What are Debit/Credit Cards?

Some businesses, like fast food chains, were slow to adopt the cards in the 1990s, but today, there are only handfuls of cash-only establishments.


Fedoras became popular after appearing in this type of production in the 19th century.

What is a play (theater production)?

In 1883, the hat made its debut in Fédora, a French play.


A thing or person that can be won, obtained, or persuaded with little effort.

What is low-hanging fruit?

 It’s often used when talking about getting new voters. The candidates go after low-hanging fruit, which are people who are easy to get. 
